Zack Snyder responds to the Batman x Superman scene ‘Martha’: “I’m a fan”


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice pointed to the heroes that their mothers share the same name.

Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League have all the attention right now after leaving your second main trailer. In the middle of that, Snyder answered a question about one of his previous DC films, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Yes, the “Martha” moment is under discussion again.

“Of course I’m a fan and I’m very interested in how ‘Martha’ that concept is central to the film,” Snyder told I Minutemen late last week.

In Batman v Superman, Lex Luthor kidnaps Martha Kent, Clark’s foster mother. When Batman is about to kill Superman, Superman says, “Save Martha.” The name of Batman’s late mother, also known as Bruce Wayne, is Martha Wayne. This makes Batman hesitate, and instead of killing Superman, he promises to rescue Martha.

“I mean, it is 100% the axis that holds the entire film together,” said Snyder. “I think it’s indicative of the way Batman v Superman was received that his central tenant was belittled and ridiculed.”

“I personally think it’s like this beautiful and incredibly symmetrical idea that ends up completely as a concept. Everything is 100% with intention and intention to be all the images you see, as much as your inspiration and things like that. “

Snyder explained the importance of connecting the two heroes through their mothers a few times now, but that hasn’t stopped many from lampooning Martha’s scene. Overall, Batman v Superman disappointed at the box office and did not impress critics.

Here’s what Snyder said earlier about working with screenwriter Chris Terrio on how he could prevent Batman and Superman from destroying themselves.

“It’s funny, because we, Chris Terrio and I, got to that point in the film, in our discussions … we knew how to make them fight, right? But how do we stop them from fighting?”

“This is a tough one. And we were kind of playing down on their humanity and Batman realized that Superman has humanity, he’s not just a creature, he’s a man – he’s an alien, but he’s just as human as, in in many ways, he’s more human than he is, right? He kind of embraced all the good parts of the human race, so Batman is able to see, in many ways, one thing that he is not. And I think that was we started talking about it. “

See how Snyder’s four-hour Justice League version is received when it hits HBO Max in mid-March.
