WandaVision has a huge cameo Elizabeth Olsen can’t believe it didn’t leak

WandaVision has a shocking MCU secret popping up in a future episode that Elizabeth Olsen can’t believe hasn’t yet leaked online.

WandaVision has a big special secret that Elizabeth Olsen can’t believe it hasn’t leaked. After COVID-related delays, Phase 4 of the MCU finally arrived, and WandaVision it’s your first offer. The Disney + series debuted in mid-January and immediately plunged audiences into the perfect world of the Westview sitcom. Newly married couple Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) have finally achieved domestic happiness, but not everything is as it seems. Outside Westview, the MCU’s last defense organization, SWORD, is working hard to find out what’s going on with Wanda.

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WandaVision so far it has released four episodes with five more on the way, and it will only get wilder from here. So little is known about what’s to come WandaVision that fans are getting ready for some big surprises, and that could be for good reason. After all, the last major Disney + series to launch a new season, The Mandalorian, ended its second season with the arrival of the jaw-dropping Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill). This moment instantly entered the history of the fandom and was somehow kept secret until it aired.

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although The Mandalorian and WandaVision they are two very different entities, they may have something in common: shocking cameos. While talking to TVLine about what’s to come WandaVision, Olsen was asked if there was a cameo that she is surprised has not yet leaked, and she said: “Ses. “ She, of course, could not provide more details, although she added: “I’m really cheered up. “

Olsen provoked WandaVision The cameo can probably be the same as the secret actor Bettany has referred to in interviews several times. Bettany had a chance to work with someone he always wanted. WandaVision, although your identity remains a secret. As long as they are the same, it seems WandaVisionThe mysterious artist could be a familiar MCU actor. This is where speculation begins.

As with any Marvel project, fans often theorize about which characters can appear in various projects, and WandaVision it is no exception. Bearing in mind that Bettany hasn’t worked with this artist yet and that his arrival would have to be on the same level as Luke showing up The Mandalorian, there may be some options as to who it could be. Benedict Cumberbatch’s Doctor Strange is a popular choice since WandaVision is said to lead to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. That would undoubtedly leave the jaws of the fans on the floor, although it could easily be someone else too. Perhaps Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury – who seemed to be working for SWORD when the last fans saw him – could be eligible for WandaVisionit’s amazing cameo. There are many possibilities and fans will have to wait and see who it can be.

More: Explanation of the end of episode 4 of WandaVision: what it means “It’s all Wanda”

WandaVision continues with episode 5 Friday at Disney +.

Source: TVLine

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