NFL Coaching Surveys: Why Urban Meyer, Jaguars are the key to Jets finding candidates like Robert Saleh, 49ers’ and Arthur Smith of the Titans

Now that the Jets have conducted two personal follow-up interviews with leading coaching candidates, you may have a big question: What is the hitch here?

The Jets sat on Wednesday with 49ers defensive coordinator Robert Saleh and Titans offensive coordinator Arthur Smith.

Both had already been interviewed by video chat. Both are highly sought after candidates. There are seven main NFL training slots. (And there have been no hires so far in this head coach hiring cycle.)

All teams lacking in coaching, except the Texans, chased Saleh. All seven pursued Smith. This week, Smith is doing an initial interview with the Eagles and a follow-up with the Falcons, Jets and Lions. Saleh and Smith can be hired immediately, as neither is in the playoffs.

This is where the Jaguars and Urban Meyer come in, as the likely obstacles in this process – for the Jets and other teams that need a coach.

Meyer is clearly the Jaguars’ main choice to be their next coach and to shape quarterback Trevor Lawrence, the supposed main choice in this year’s draft. Meyer is still considering what he wants to do – take the job or stay out of coaching. If he says yes, it is an off-the-job position and the rest can be filled. But if he says no, a desirable job will suddenly be available.

So why would a hot candidate like Saleh or Smith take the chance to take a less desirable job, like the Jets, when he can wait for Meyer’s situation and see if the Jaguars are open?

Not only do the Jaguars have the primary choice this year – it would be a shock if they didn’t catch Lawrence – but they also have a salary cap of $ 73.2 million, according to the projection. Jaguars are not in great shape – which is the case for almost all teams looking for a new coach – but they have a clear path to success.

A new coach would also be starting from scratch with a general manager in Jacksonville, as the Jaguars fired coach Doug Marrone and GM Dave Caldwell. There is a lot for Saleh and Smith to enjoy in Jacksonville, if Meyer remains retired.

Once Meyer makes his decision – and the Jets have to wait for him to accept the Jaguars’ job – things can change quickly with other openings.

UPDATE (8h35): ESPN’s Adam Schefter reports “Jacksonville and former Ohio St. HC Urban Meyer are in advanced negotiations to see if they can finalize a deal, by league sources. They met again on Wednesday. Right now, Jacksonville is the only one for Urban Meyer. The lawsuit by Jaguars owner Shad Khan took him to Meyer, and Meyer is very interested, and both sides are interested in trying to reach a deal this week. “

UPDATE (10:26): ESPN’s Jeremy Fowler reports that, according to a source, “Urban Meyer and (the) Jaguars are closing a deal today. Meyer will be Jacksonville’s next coach.

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