Lindell of MyPillow throws a tantrum when stores leave their products: VIDEO

MyPillow CEO and Trump’s main supporter, Mike Lindell, found himself once again subject to serious public scrutiny. A few days after being photographed at the White House carrying documents that encouraged martial law, Lindell collapsed in the air during an interview.

Brian Glen, a personality on the Right Side Broadcasting Network, had Lindell on his show to discuss the end of Trump’s presidency – or, more specifically, how the end of Trump’s presidency could be avoided.

Lindell found that retailers were abandoning MyPillow products in response to their support for the Capitol riot just before the segment, leaving it agitated.

Absolutely overflowed in the air.

Things started with Mike Lindell calling the surveillance group Sleeping Giants “the worst people on the planet.” The group encouraged advertisers to stop advertising on far-right programs.

He then stated that the group was hired to attack several companies, including his own.

First he regretted the loss of Bed Bath & Beyond as a supplier.

“I just hung up the phone with Bed Bath & Beyond, they’re leaving MyPillow. I just hung up the phone less than five minutes ago. Kohl’s, all these different places.”

“They are afraid as a Bed Bath & Beyond, they are afraid. We were good partners, in fact I told them ‘you can come back whenever you want’. ”

“But it is not their fault that they are afraid, because they do not realize that they are fake people.”

His appeal to business owners turned into more conspiracy theory for the Dominion voting machine.

“If you are a business owner, don’t believe in these little bots and trolls. This is the left of evil. This is the deep state of evil, crazy, left or whatever.”

“This is not a Democratic, Republican political thing. This is what – part of the thing that is attacking our country. This is basically Communism coming in. And they hired the best to attack us.”

“And, and I have friends of mine who, um, they’re taking, um, they’ve been chased by the ‘machine guys! These Dominion and SOS – SAS machines or whatever.”

“Are they threatening – or threatening, I think? They’re going after – but you know what? Ha! That’s great!

“I appreciate that they come after me because I have all the evidence, so let’s finally see, right?”

The host replied “absolutely”.

Mike Lindell then stated that he speaks to Trump’s dismissed lawyer, Sidney Powell, at least twice a day and explains his conversations. Most of the 1:48 second clip is fragments of phrases and filler words.

Here he is discussing Sidney Powell’s “promise”.

“She promises that she will keep fighting for us, until everyone knows it. Machine fraud.”

“And that other countries have taken this election from us.

“And that’s my promise to everyone, too. No way are we – and she, you know her – going to go down?”

“Well, of course we’re going to go down like everyone else because you, you know, if, you know, I will, I had to tell Sidney that we can’t, we live without fear.”

“We just fear the Lord. That’s all we can do. And we, you know, we did it, we keep doing it, if there’s more to it, I do it.”

Lindell then claimed that he did his own math with his own numbers, and that is how he knows the election was fraudulent.

In the final clip, the two men present their idea that Donald Trump could remain president after the inauguration of Joe Biden. Lindell agreed that it is possible and offered farewell words to that end.

He encouraged everyone to pray for Trump and not be depressed.

He also stated that the truth would be revealed, the inauguration may be null and void and God did not come here just to lose.

“Yes, yes. I want everyone out there to keep their prayers for the president. But I will say this: 100% of the truth will be revealed.”

“And when it is, we don’t know what happens then. So, you know, no, I don’t want everyone to be so depressed that, OK, and if nothing is done and this guy just, no – this opening would then be null and void It is made. “

“I mean, it’s not even real when it was done on the suspicion that when it is revealed – and it will be, I promise everyone. It will be.”

“We didn’t come this far and God didn’t do everything, you know, fighting all this evil, to lose. This is going to be incredible.”

Twitter found it incredible, right.

Lindell probably doesn’t have to worry too much.

As news of retailers leaving MyPillow spread, right-wing figures began to encourage their followers to buy products directly.

A quick search on Twitter shows that the movement is going very well.

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