Instagram is adding easier access to support for eating disorders

Instagram is announcing that it is adding resources for people affected by eating disorders to its social platform. If users search for hashtags or content potentially related to eating disorders, the company will guide that user to resources or help lines provided by the National Eating Disorders Association (or NEDA) in the U.S., as well as others in the UK, Australia, and Canada .

Instagram says it currently tries to obscure potentially triggering content in search results and directs people to widespread crisis support, but it must now direct users to resources designed specifically for eating disorders. On its blog, Instagram also says it plans to show resources if someone is trying to share content related to eating disorders, or “if a friend is concerned about something they’ve seen posted and want to offer support”.

This update is similar to what TikTok announced earlier today. However, unlike TikTok, it does not appear that Instagram has pointed to specific resources for eating disorders before, although they have been shown in the general list of help lines. Currently, searching for content related to eating disorders will take you to this general helpline list, which includes not only the NEDA, but also the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Veterans Crisis Line and Trevor Project.

Currently, the list does not contain help lines for eating disorders, even if this is the type of content that the user was directed to.

However, Instagram images indicate that the support button will specifically point NEDA contacts to people, rather than just showing the full list of available help lines.

As part of the National Eating Disorders Awareness Week program, the company also states that it is planning to work with community leaders to publish films that “encourage positive body image, resist weight stigma and harmful stereotypes and show that all bodies are worthy and deserve to be celebrated. ”According to the post, this is the third time Instagram has worked with content for the NEDA week.

Instagram has had problems in the past when trying to regulate the content of eating disorders, and the social network is often mentioned in conversations about negative body image and perception, especially among young people. While higher resource prioritization is unlikely to help much with self-esteem issues after using the site, it should help people who are struggling and vulnerable to have easier access to expert help.
