‘French twin’ wife begs public support

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The wife of Yisrael Gurion, who entertained thousands of people as one of the ‘Twins of France’, is talking about his fight against mental illness and his current imprisonment instead of medical treatment in a hospital. Complete Story, Video

Yisrael Gurion, a 31-year-old father of 3 young children who entertained thousands of people as one of the “Twins of France”, is currently suffering from a serious mental illness that started several years ago.

His wife is talking about the situation, emphasizing that her illness started from nothing.

The broken system put him in prison instead of a hospital, leaving him untreated, allowing his condition to worsen. He now faces a potentially very heavy prison sentence.

This is a rare opportunity to participate in one of the purest forms of pidyon shvuyim available. In Bava Basra (8b), he says that captivity is worse than hunger and death. Please open your heart and pocket and give everything you can to help this man out of captivity and go to an institution where he can receive the treatment he so badly needs.

Support this case of pidyon shvuyim and a mitzvah of the highest magnitude – click here

VIDEO: His wife talks about the situation

The public is invited to pray for Yisroel Shimon ben Adit Rochel

Please support the family’s battle for it at thechesedfund.com
