Andrew Kaczynski grateful for the show of support after the death of a girl

A heartbroken CNN reporter, whose 9-month-old daughter died on Christmas Eve after a three-month battle with cancer, promised to spend his life helping to find a cure for the brutal disease.

Andrew Kaczynski, who is married to Wall Street Journal reporter Rachel Louise Ensign, sent a message of gratitude on Saturday night to those who expressed support after the death of their daughter, Francesca, whom they dubbed “Bean”.

“Thank you all, your messages have touched our hearts,” he tweeted.

The loving father also shared a video of the bubbly and radiant baby from before she was devastated by cancer.

“I know that many of you didn’t know Beans before her cancer diagnosis in September. She was very energetic before starting treatment. And we’re so lucky that she had six normal months to live. That was at the end of July, ”he wrote while tweeting a short clip of Bean, squirming and laughing in his crib.

The couple asked for donations in honor of Bean, and Kaczynski included a link to a bicycle event to raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, where Bean was treated.

“We are very grateful for how much money was raised in honor of Francesca for Dana Farber to fight this terrible disease and we will spend the rest of our lives involved in finding a cure,” he wrote.

More than $ 338,000 has been raised.
