Zlatan reaffirms ‘keep sport’ message

AC Milan striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic reaffirmed his belief that athletes should “limit themselves to sports” when commenting on LA Lakers star LeBron James.

Speaking at a news conference on Tuesday, before the start of the Italian music festival San Remo, which Ibrahimovic is co-organizing, he addressed his comments.

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“Athletes unite the world, politics divide it,” he said. “Our role is to bring the world together by doing what we do best. Athletes must be athletes and politicians must make politics.”

During an interview with UEFA for Discovery + in Sweden last Thursday, Ibrahimovic said: “[LeBron] it’s phenomenal at what you’re doing, but I don’t like it when people have some kind of status, go and do politics at the same time.

“Do what you do well. Do the category you do. I play football because I’m the best at it.

“I don’t do politics. If I were a politician, I would do politics. This is the first mistake that people make when they become famous and reach a certain status. Stay out of it. Just do what you do best, because it doesn’t look good . “

The comments generated a response from James, who said he speaks “with a very polite mind, so I’m the wrong kind of person to talk to, because I do my homework”.

Ibrahimovic was also involved in a high-profile confrontation with Inter Milan striker Romelu Lukaku during the Coppa Italia quarterfinal match, which ended with the two players receiving a yellow card.

Although the two men have to be restrained by their respective teammates while exchanging insults, the Swedish striker said there was no feud between him and his former Manchester United teammate.

“If he [Lukaku] want to come [to San Remo], he is welcome, “added Ibrahimovic.” What happens on the field remains on the field. “
