Zack Snyder’s Justice League leaked at the beginning of HBO Max


The director’s version of Zack Snyder for the Justice League is scheduled to arrive on HBO Max on March 18.


Tom Jerry or Zack Snyder’s Justice League? Thanks to a failure by HBO Max on Monday, some viewers who tried to watch the first took a look at the next superhero hit. The film is scheduled to be released in 10 days … oops.

“Someone is being fired … Tom and Jerry, this is not …#SnyderCut, “tweeted Doug Bass, who was the first to notice the problem.

According to The Hollywood Reporter and others who reported the problem, playing play on Tom & Jerry, the new live-action / CGI movie, caused an error message to appear and then Zack Snyder’s Justice League started to to play. Still, when the movie was paused, it said that Tom and Jerry were playing.

Bass managed to survive an hour before the film was interrupted. The good news for Justice League fans is that Bass said the first hour was a good one.

“They found and cut the feed, but I can say that the first hour or more of Snyder’s cut is the best DC movie I’ve ever seen,” Bass tweeted.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is due to arrive on HBO Max on March 18 (here are some ways to watch) The four-hour director’s version of the 2017 Justice League cost HBO Max $ 70 million in special effects, editing, a new soundtrack and more. Perhaps the early launch is a genius marketing ploy, simply a failure or a way to get more people to watch Tom and Jerry.

“Zack Snyder’s Justice League was temporarily available on HBO Max, and the error was corrected in minutes,” said an HBO Max representative.
