Young people are managing to vote in Georgia – thousands of miles away

Youth participation was high across the country on Election Day and national organizers hope to reinvigorate young voters ahead of Georgia’s crucial elections, which will determine which party controls the US Senate.

With only five days to go, young people from across the country continue to contact voters in Georgia.

Left, Students for Ossoff and Warnock, a youth-led organization not affiliated with the Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock campaigns, but working to garner support for Democratic candidates, mobilized a group of national field organizers, living outside state, but work to get voters for the two Democrats in Georgia. They organize themselves digitally by hosting calls to Zoom and phone banks and help manage the organization’s viral TikTok account.

According to Emily Zanieski, a student at Georgia Southern University who helps lead the organization’s national programming, Students for Ossoff and Warnock attracted members of Students for Markey – a group that gained national attention for its intelligence and online humor while helping Massachusetts Sen Ed Markey won his Democratic primaries in September.

Zanieski, 20, said Students for Ossoff and Warnock also gained popularity in neighboring South Carolina.

“Seeing so many young people across the country who were excited about Biden, now helping out here, is motivating to keep us doing a good job here in Georgia,” Zanieski told CNN.

In turn, the Sunrise Movement, the progressive youth-led climate justice organization, mobilized its more than 400 local centers to call and text Georgia. The group is prioritizing contact with young voters under the age of 35. Since November, more than 1,000 Sunrise volunteers have made over 500,000 calls, sent more than 299,000 texts and reached 18,700 young voters in Georgia, according to the organization.

Be creative with digital techniques

In addition to traditional calls and text messages, some organizers are turning to alternative modes of organization.

Plus1 Vote, a non-partisan organization based in New York that encourages voters to bring one more to the polls to increase participation, is offering free Uber trips to the polls across Georgia for early voting, absentee voting and on the day of the election. Georgians are encouraged to use the “VoteGA” voucher code on the Uber app to receive their free ticket to the polls.
Meanwhile, organizers with “Swipe Out the Vote Georgia” are using dating apps like Tinder and Hinge to contact Georgia voters and make sure they have a plan to vote. According to messages from the group, the technique is “for those who are tired of banking by phone and texting and want to try something new and exciting”.

Using opening lines like “Want to know what I think is cute?” and responding with “Vote for Warnock and Ossoff in the January 5 election!” about 100 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 35 signed up, defined their geolocation for Georgia and stole Peach State.

The group emphasizes that participants must use their own photos and suggests that volunteers add political and progressive content to their biographies in the apps.

Celebrities and influencers from across the country also have Georgia in mind.

Tommy Dorfman, an Atlanta native and 28-year-old actor who starred in “13 Reasons Why”, encouraged his 1.4 million Instagram followers to get involved and pay attention to Georgia’s runoff elections.

“This particular election seems extremely personal to me because I am a transgender person from Georgia,” said Dorfman, who studied at the same K-12 school as Ossoff, but now lives on the West Coast, on CNN.

Although Dorfman did not travel home to Georgia before the elections because of the Covid-19 pandemic, they emphasized the role they continue to play at a distance and encourage their followers – most of whom are aged 12-25 – to do the same. same.

“I like to remind people that they can do things from the couch and the bed, by changing the geo-locator to (Georgia), there are Zoom events every day,” said Dorfman.

Dorfman has been especially active in the runoff elections due to his ties to Georgia, going live on Instagram with Ossoff to talk about the election and hosting phone banks with Students for Ossoff and Warnock.

Similarly, AJ, from American pop duo Aly & AJ, is joining 18by.Vote and Peaches for Progress, a youth-led coalition that works to attract young voters in Georgia, for a “Georgia Youth Get Out the Vote Text Bank “on January 4.
And NextGen America, the progressive youth voting organization founded by businessman Tom Steyer, recruited 138 influencers on TikTok and Instagram to give voters important information about the elections.

On the right, College Republicans organized a “National Call Competition”, encouraging College Republican chapters across the country to compete in a telephone bank competition to see which chapter can make the most calls to Senator Kelly Loeffler and Senator David Perdue , to Republican Presidents.

About 300 College Republicans are making calls from home, according to the organization.

So far, Republicans from New Hampshire College, Republicans from Virginia College, Republicans from West Virginia College, Republicans from Tennessee College and Republicans from California College have been victorious in several weeks of competition. Alaska College Republicans have also been very active, according to the national organization.

“We can’t easily slam doors, although some of us will go to GA to do so, so I asked our chapter presidents to sign themselves, and as many members as they were willing, to make calls to Georgia and make 10 calls per day. day – which will increase over time. To really make a difference in Georgia – the state of Washington – requires persistence and responsibility from university republicans to do their part, even if they don’t feel that their efforts matter, “Gabe Hernandez, president from Washington State College Republicans, he told CNN.

And while Gen Z GOP, a group looking to build a new home for young Republicans destitute of the current state of the Republican Party, did not endorse a presidential candidate in the 2020 election, the group also maintains telephone banks for Perdue and Loeffler.

“While aspects of this election represent the worst of American politics, it is important that President-elect Biden works with a Republican-controlled Senate to ensure that the policies approved represent a wide range of political views and perspectives,” writes the group in its site . “That said, we encourage you to apply below to help us call our Republican candidates in the second round of the election in Georgia.”
