Xavier Becerra, named HHS, lobbied on the response from the US Covid

The week

David Perdue decides against 2022 Senate candidacy

Former Senator David Perdue (R-Ga.) Will not seek an offer to return to the Senate in 2022, after all. Perdue, who lost his Senate seat to Senator Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.) During the second round of the Georgia election in January, announced on Tuesday that “after much prayer and reflection”, he decided not to run. to the Senate in Georgia in 2022. “This is a personal decision, not a political one,” said Perdue, adding that he “will do everything he can” to ensure that the eventual Republican candidate wins the seat. The former Georgia senator was considering challenging Senator Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), Who in 2022 would be running for a six-year term after completing Senator Johnny Isakson’s (R-Ga.) Term. In fact, Perdue recently filed the paperwork to run, and a senior consultant confirmed to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that he was “strongly inclined to” run. Former Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) And Former Deputy Doug Collins (R-Ga.) Are also considering running for the Senate seat, noted the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, but were supposedly waiting to see what Perdue would do before making a decision. More stories from theweek.comMitt Romney and Tom Cotton split conservatives over their new minimum wage plan. What New York City can reveal about the decline in COVID-19 cases. Is the new COVID normal preventing us from coming back to life?
