WATCH: The Biden press still refuses to acknowledge the obvious border crisis

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White House press secretary Jen Psaki said again on Monday that calling the border situation a “crisis” is a “label” she does not want to use.

“Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, does not recognize that there is a border crisis, refuses to ‘get into the fun of record companies'”

“Does FEMA’s arrival at the border mean that the government feels that what is happening at the border is a disaster?” was the exact question asked to Psaki

Psaki’s response was: “I know we always have fun with the record companies around here, but I would say that our focus is on solutions, and this is one of the steps that the president thought would help”.

Psaki then “labels” the “disaster” “challenge”. She also wanted people to know that she liked a reporter’s mask and that FEMA was “there to help”.

Biden’s Department of Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke to press in early March, criticizing the Trump administration’s border and immigration policies. Notably, he said there is no crisis at the border. He said that border control is working feverishly to ensure that there is no crisis at the border.

There are between 3,000 and 4,000 border crossings daily at this point.

“The previous administration dismantled our nation’s immigration system in its entirety,” he said. He said that “the entire system has been destroyed. In addition, they overturned the Central American juvenile program”, saying that the Trump administration cut funding and that ‘no planning was done’ to protect border and customs personnel.

“It takes time to rebuild an entire system and prosecute individuals at the border in a safe and fair manner. This is especially true when we are in the middle of a pandemic ”and trying to ensure public safety under the CDC. “It takes time to get out of the depths of the cruelty that the government before us established.”

Mayorkas blamed the Trump administration for the problems at the border entirely and, like the administration of which he is a member, refused to use the term “crisis”. DHS is creating an “innovative solution”, he said, to help those who were “forced” to stay in Mexico during the Trump administration.

“We are not saying not to come, we are saying not to come now, because we will be able to deliver a safe and orderly process to them as soon as possible,” said Mayorkas, saying that potential immigrants must wait “with an objective in mind . “

Mayorkas said that they would not be “expelling children to Mexico … whose loving parents sent them alone … when that child’s country of origin” is Guatemala, Honduras or El Salvador.

When asked how the government is telling people not to come, Mayorkas said that they were working with the Central American governments to spread the word and that it “works to some extent”.
