Warning signs that you are getting cancer, according to doctors

The dreaded “C” word is something that no one wants to hear their doctor say. Although cancer is scary, it is crucial to catch this disease early to increase the chances of survival and stop the growth or spread in its path. Learning about some signs that you have developed cancer is a way to be proactive in catching this disease early. Review these 8 signs that you have cancer so you can take them seriously and catch this dreaded disease soon. As for our current pandemic: Keep reading – and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss out on these Signs that your disease is actually a coronavirus in disguise.

Swollen lymph nodes

When your body is battling a cold, flu, or other illness, the lymph nodes in your neck and armpits may swell or appear enlarged. This is perfectly normal and a sign that your body is working overtime to try to kill the disease quickly. However, the swollen lymph nodes should go away in a few weeks and if they remain swollen or develop lumps, it is a sign that something else may be wrong.

The Rx: According to Dr. Adrian Bloor from The Christie Private Care, “If you discover a new lump or swelling that does not go away after a few days, the recommendation is to seek medical attention so that it can be thoroughly assessed. It can be an early indicator of blood cancer. ”Your swollen lymph nodes may be nothing, but they can also be a sign of lymphoma, leukemia or myeloma.

woman's hand closing the lid of a toilet bowl

Seeing blood in your stool can be scary and it is important to watch if you see any red when going to the bathroom. Blood in the stool can be due to a number of illnesses, some of which are not very serious. However, it can also be an indication of colon cancer.

The Rx: According to Dr. Mache Seibel, “Of course, you may have blood in your stools, for example, because you have a fissure or crack in the tissues around the rectum or due to a hemorrhoid or ulcerative colitis or many other types of diseases. Blood is just a warning sign; it is not a guarantee of cancer ”. Although, Johns Hopkins Medicine confirms that bright red blood in the stool or darker bowel movements that indicate blood should be investigated for potential colon cancer. Go see your doctor if you see blood in your stool so that colon cancer can be ruled out.

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woman with severe sore throat

If you drank a lot the night before, rode a roller coaster or saw your favorite band, a husky voice is explainable. Recovering from a cold or other illness can also make you hoarse for a few days. However, if your voice is inexplicably hoarse and the hoarseness lasts for several weeks, it could be a sign of laryngeal cancer.

The Rx: According to Dr. Dale Ekbom, MD of the Mayo Clinic, “When hoarseness lasts more than two weeks, the list of potential causes gets much longer.” He mentions laryngeal cancer as a possible explanation for long-term hoarseness and states that “when detected early, vocal cord cancer can often be successfully treated with surgery or radiation”. Your hoarseness may be related to a persistent illness or a simple irritation of the vocal cords, but it is best to check if it persists.

Jaundice patient with yellowish discoloration of the skin compared to normal skin color.

Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and eyes that can cause itching and irritation or not even be felt. The skin turns yellow when the bile duct is blocked by a tumor and a yellow pigment called bilirubin accumulates in the system. Jaundice can be treated with medication or surgery.

The Rx: However, it is the cause of the jaundice that worries. According to a study reviewed by Dr. Peter Saul, “Approximately half of the patients are diagnosed with a tumor in the head of the pancreas and many of them have jaundice.” If your skin turns yellow, it’s best to see your doctor right away to make sure you don’t have pancreatic cancer.

Girl with birthmarks on her neck

According to American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), about two million Americans each year are diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma, a common form of skin cancer. Early detection of this type of skin cancer is crucial to prevent it from spreading. The good news is that this type of skin cancer grows slowly, but the bad news is that it can easily be mistaken for a pimple or scar.

The Rx: The AAD warns that basal cell carcinoma “often develops in the head or neck and looks like shiny, high, round growth.” If you notice any abnormal growth or skin irritation like this, make an appointment with your dermatologist. Although this growth may be nothing, it can indicate basal cell carcinoma and, if detected early, is a simple procedure to remove it.

Young woman with blond hair passed out on the bed.

Seizures are serious and frightening and, if you have one, you should seek emergency medical treatment and consult your doctor about the cause. In some cases, a seizure may be the result of a tumor or brain growth, which can be cancerous.

The Rx: According to Dr. Jessica W. Templer, MD, Northwestern Medicine Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, “Patients may not be aware that seizures are a consequence of their brain tumor. The seizures caused by brain tumors are complex and different for each patient, depending on the type and location of the tumor ”. Your seizure may indicate an abnormal glucose level or a benign tumor, but it is best to seek treatment immediately to find out if brain cancer was the cause of the episode.

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Breast cancer self-assessment

According to National Breast Cancer Foundation, one in eight women in the United States will develop breast cancer at some point in their life. Early detection is the key to preventing the spread of breast cancer. Lumps and lumps in the breast tissue are signs that the cancer may be growing. However, the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Care Center professionals from the Stony Brook Cancer Center state, “Most breast lumps – 80% of biopsies – are benign (non-cancerous).”

The Rx: Although most lumps and bumps are not cancerous, it is important to note if there are any unique, hard lumps on your breasts. These medical professionals warn that “most malignant tumors appear first as single, hard lumps or thickening that are often, but not always, painless.” If you notice any swelling, thickening or abnormality, see your doctor and get a mammogram right away.

woman breathing with an open mouth

You may find white spots in the mouth as a food irritation, braces, dentures or a retainer. However, if you notice thick areas in your mouth that are white or gray and cannot be shaved, it is possible that you have developed leukoplakia, which is a change in tissue that can be precancerous.

The Rx: According to World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 657,000 new cases of oral cancer developed worldwide each year. If you are a tobacco user, drink alcohol frequently or lead an unhealthy lifestyle, you are more likely to develop a form of oral cancer. Your leukoplakia can be treatable and not cause oral cancer, but only if it is diagnosed early. As for you: To overcome this pandemic in the healthiest way, do not miss these 35 places you’re most likely to reach COVID.
