VP Mike Pence did not rule out the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment: report

Vice President Mike Pence has not ruled out using the 25th Amendment against President Trump, should his mood become more unstable in the days leading up to Inauguration Day, according to a report.

Pence’s team is concerned with invoking the 25th Amendment – which can be used to remove a president from office – or start an impeachment process, it could lead Trump to action that puts the nation at risk, a source told CNN.

Pence’s goal for now is to ensure that there is a smooth transition between the Trump administration and President-elect Joe Biden’s team, as well as making sure that Biden is prepared to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, the source told the network. .

Trump and Pence have not spoken since the attack on the Capitol on Wednesday, CNN reported. Thousands of Trump supporters attended the violent siege attempt, which killed at least five people, including a police officer and an Air Force veteran.

Pence has been criticized by Trump for refusing to interrupt the Electoral College count, which Congress certified on Thursday, officially declaring Biden the winner of the election.

On Friday, before Twitter permanently suspended Trump’s personal account, the president tweeted that he would not attend Biden’s inauguration.

In response, Biden said at a news conference in Wilmington, Delaware, that he is happy that Trump, the “embarrassment”, is not in his oath.

As for Pence, said Biden, “the vice president is welcome and we would be honored to welcome him.”

House Democrats have already written impeachment articles, accusing Trump of “inciting an insurrection”, which will be formally presented on Monday.

On a Letter to Democrats on Saturday, spokeswoman Nancy Pelosi wrote: “There must be an acknowledgment that this desecration was instigated by the president.”

“The Times found us to save our democracy,” added Pelosi. “We will continue with meetings with Members and Constitutional Experts and others. . . I urge you to be prepared to return to Washington this week. ”
