Voters speak out against the Republican who voted for Trump’s impeachment

Congressman Anthony Gonzalez, R-Ohio, heard on Thursday from constituents – some angry, others delighted – in a virtual city hall about his vote in favor of the impeachment of then President Donald Trump.

Gonzalez, one of 10 House Republicans who voted in favor of Trump’s impeachment, said that what pushed him firmly into the impeachment camp was Trump’s hours delay in moving to end the Capitol rebellion on 6 June. January. He spoke to NBC News in front of the city to explain his position.

A number of people who called the city hall were upset with Gonzalez, saying that they thought Trump was treated unfairly or that the whole effort amounted to “a setup”. Another constituent did not believe that President Joe Biden had won the election.

Debbie, one of the questioners announced on the call, said she thought people should “just let (Trump) go and forget about it”, instead of seeking a second impeachment.

“The behavior is not really written in the Constitution,” she said. “And that’s why you say impeachment (ed) Trump.”

Another woman, Peggy, asked Gonzalez why he decided to join a small group of Republicans in favor of impeachment, while most fellow Republicans and voters were against it.

“I don’t think the actual vote would have been 10 (supporting impeachment) if there had been a secret vote,” said Gonzalez of his Republican colleagues. “I think it would be pretty close to 50/50.”

Others praised Gonzalez for the vote.

One woman, who identified herself as a Republican throughout her life until the Trump era, said she would like to thank Gonzalez “for his courage in defending our Constitution”.

“If this is not an impeachable offense, then nothing is,” she said of Trump’s conduct. “I feel good that you’re there. Even though I’m not very happy with the Republicans right now.”

Linda, a Republican for more than 50 years, said she was “very pleased” with his vote.

“You are the kind of statesman that our country needs,” she said, adding, “I think our country will be better off with this. I think our party will be better off with this.”

Pointing to the misinformation and “blatant lies” spread about the election, Gonzalez said that politicians have a responsibility to “tell the truth and be honest with you”.

“We just have to keep voting,” he said. “And we will get the change we want.”

In explaining his vote, Gonzalez said: “The behavior justified an impeachment”.
