US signals open to sending more troops to Iraq

“The United States is participating in the power generation process for the NATO Mission in Iraq and will contribute its fair share to this important expanded mission,” the Pentagon spokesman, commander. Jessica L. McNulty told CNN. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin talked about the mission with his NATO counterparts during a meeting with defense ministers on Thursday.

Such a move would be a reversal of the policy of the previous government, which reduced the number of soldiers in the country to 2,500 after the defeat of former President Donald Trump. The Biden government is also assessing whether it meets the May deadline to withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan.

At a press conference on Thursday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO’s mission would increase from 500 to around 4,000.

“The United States and its partners in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS remain committed to ensuring the lasting defeat of ISIS and the Department hopes to continue consultations with Iraq, NATO and the Global Coalition going forward,” added McNulty.

Austin “welcomed the expanded role” of the NATO mission in Iraq, according to a reading of the discussions provided by the Pentagon. He “expressed confidence that all the work done so far with the Iraqi government and security forces will lead to a self-sustaining mission.”

Stoltenberg emphasized the importance of NATO’s mission to prevent the resurgence of ISIS.

“Not so long ago, ISIS controlled a territory as large as the United Kingdom and about 8 million people. They lost that control,” said Stoltenberg. “But ISIS is still there. ISIS is still operating in Iraq and we need to ensure that they cannot return. And we also see an increase in ISIS attacks. And that just highlights the importance of strengthening Iraq’s forces.”

The increase in NATO forces would be incremental and comes at the request of the Iraqi government, he added.

Trump’s interim defense secretary, Christopher Miller, praised the withdrawal of troops before Biden took office as a sign of the mission’s success, saying: “The reduction in US force levels in Iraq reflects the increased capacity of the forces Iraqi security forces. Our ability to reduce force levels is evidence of real progress. “

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In early February, Austin announced a review of the global force stance, in which military leaders would examine US troop levels around the world, including “military footprint, resources, strategy and missions”.

Austin emphasized the importance of alliances and partnerships as part of the review.

“From Afghanistan and the Middle East, across Europe, Africa and our own hemisphere, to the vast expanse of the Western Pacific, the United States is shoulder to shoulder with old and new allies, partners big and small,” said Austin. “Each of them brings unique skills, knowledge and capabilities to the mission. And each of them represents a relationship that is worth caring for, preserving and respecting. We will do that.”

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said that no final decision or recommendation was made as part of the review of the global force’s stance.
