Urban Meyer helped Trevor Lawrence plan the timing of his Professional Day and surgery

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Jaguars coach Urban Meyer said he contacted Clemson quarterback Trevor Lawrence, on learning that Lawrence needs surgery on his non-throwing shoulder, and the two discussed the timing of Pro Day training that Lawrence did last week, before his surgery.

Meyer said on the NFL Network that he didn’t think Lawrence should wait to have his surgery after Clemson’s March 11 Professional Day, because then he might not be fully healed in time for the training camp. Meyer also pointed out that Lawrence didn’t have to play for scouts, but Lawrence said he did.

“We made a call from Zoom to him and I asked him – you have three options. No. 1, you can wait until March 11 Pro Day – but now you’re getting close to August [for a recovery time], ”Said Meyer, through Florida Times-Union. “It is getting late because it is a five-month recovery. It’s a six-month injury. The second thing, you cannot play. He’s probably a good enough player, but he said, ‘I’m not going to do that’. Third thing, I said why don’t you just take the ball and play a little? I would like to send our coordinator and pass game coordinator to assist. They never saw him. I saw him, so he said, ‘Come on.’ “

Meyer did not go straight to the point and said the Jaguars would draft Lawrence as the first general choice, but there is little doubt that this is the plan. The other 31 top coaches would not need to strategize with Lawrence about his off-season schedule.
