Two young Florida women ‘dressed up as grandparents’ to deceive health workers and give them a vaccine: WATCH

florida grandparents greed

Two young women from Orange County, Florida, “dressed up as grandparents” to try to trick health officials into giving them the vaccine, and it worked at least once. When they went for the second dose, their ploy was discovered.

WFLA reports: “Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings and Dr. Raul Pino of the Florida Department of Health in Orange County said the pair were arrested when they tried to get their second chance on Wednesday at the Orange County Convention Center. “There was no shortage of weapons ready to be vaccinated. We also have people pretending to be old to be vaccinated. So, yesterday, we noticed that some young women came dressed as grandmothers to be vaccinated the second time, so I don’t know how they escaped the first time, but they came (to be) vaccinated. The caps, the gloves, the glasses – everything and they were probably in their 20s, ‘said Pino. “

The Washington Post he adds: “As soon as the team noticed the discrepancy with their birthdays listed on their driver’s licenses, the women, aged 44 and 34, were referred to the police, who issued intrusion notices against them, said the County Sheriff’s Office. Orange. The women, whom The Washington Post did not identify because they were not charged, did not immediately respond to requests for comment on Thursday night. “

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