Turley: Trump’s impeachment for Democrats’ “impulse buying” would have “very serious implications”

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said he did not think Democrats should proceed with an “instant impeachment”, explaining that the process is supposedly “deliberative”, not impulsive.

Turley said in “Fox & Friends” on Monday that such a quick impeachment process would go “against the nature of the constitution” and would have “serious implications”.


JONATHAN TURLEY: The very concept of an impeachment goes against the nature of the Constitution. It was supposed to be a deliberative process, not an impulsive one. It is quite, you know, curious that you have the leadership of the House saying that they can simply impeachment and wait months. Why not do it the right way? Why not conduct an inquiry, have an audience?

There are very serious implications for what is going on. And the first of these issues is this instantaneous idea of ​​impeachment. You are creating a path for this type of impeachment on impulse. That’s what we’re talking about here. There is a desire not to have that investigation or audience to examine the implications of what they are going to do. There are serious issues here that we need to discuss.

They are suggesting the impeachment of a president because of a speech that many of us consider unwise. But it is a type of vicarious impeachment in the sense that he does not ask for violence in his speech. In fact, he tells his followers to be peaceful, he says that the reason they should go to Capitol is to support members who are contesting the election. And to encourage other members to join them.

Therefore, the speech itself would not meet any definition, as a criminal issue, of incitement.


President-elect Joe Biden is avoiding taking a firm stance on removing President Trump from office after last week’s Capitol rebellion, as House Democrats signaled that they would introduce impeachment articles against him on Monday.

Democratic representatives Ted Lieu, David Cicilline and Jamie Raskin drafted the impeachment article, “Incitement to Insurrection”, which they plan to present at a pro forma House session on Monday.
