Trump’s threat ‘Philly-delphia’ threatens laughter in Senate

The Senate erupted in rare laughter on Saturday when the defense attorney for former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, Michael van der Veen, threatened to take Democrats to his “Philadelphia” law firm for depositions.

Van der Veen, outraged by a surprise Democratic movement for witnesses at the trial, rebuked the senators for laughing, apparently believing that they found the substance of their legal argument funny instead of their intended or erroneous slip of the tongue.

The moment of levity came when the trial, which was due to end after the final allegations on Saturday, was heated by being extended by the request of at least one witness.

Van der Veen said he wanted to oust the Democrats who allegedly used fiery rhetoric similar to Trump’s encouragement on January 6 that fans “fight” to overthrow undecided state voters.

“Nancy Pelosi’s testimony needs to be done. Kamala – The testimony of Vice President Harris needs to be done. And not by Zoom. None of these statements should be made by Zoom. We didn’t do that Zoom hearing. These statements must be made in person at my office in Philydelphia. That’s where they should be done, ”said van der Veen.

“I don’t know how many civil lawyers are here, but this is how it works, folks. When you want someone’s testimony, you send a testimony notice, and they appear at the place where the notice says. This is civil proceedings. I don’t know why you’re laughing. It is a civil process. That’s how lawyers do it. We send testimonial notifications ”.

Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Who presides over the Senate trial, asked senators to pull themselves together.

“I would like to remind everyone that we will have order in the chamber during these procedures,” said Leahy.

Van der Veen told the senators: “I don’t laugh at any of you. And there is nothing laughable here. “

He added: “You mentioned that my client came to testify. This is not how it is done. If he wanted to speak to Donald Trump, he should have placed a subpoena, as if I were going to send subpoenas to a good number of people. Witnesses are what is needed here for them to try to put their case in order. “

After a 55-45 vote to allow witnesses, senators are discussing an agreement on particular people to testify knowingly of Trump’s actions during the Capitol riot, which he is accused of inciting.

A simple majority is required to call specific witnesses. Some witnesses were deposed as part of President Bill Clinton’s 1999 Senate trial, but no witnesses were called last year to Trump’s first trial for allegedly abusing his power by asking Ukraine to investigate now President Biden and his son Hunter.
