Trump’s lawyer withdraws request to pause impeachment trial

A lawyer for former President Donald Trump withdrew his already granted request for the impeachment trial to be halted during Jewish Saturday, according to reports.

Trump’s impeachment lawyer David Schoen, a practicing Jew, sent a letter to Senate leaders on Monday reversing the course, calling for the trial to continue Friday night and Saturday to avoid delays. according Fox News reporter Chad Pergram.

Schoen, in the letter that was obtained by Pergram, he noted that “he will not participate during the Sabbath; but the role that I would have played will be fully covered to the satisfaction of the defense team. “

His initial request was granted by Senate leaders, who announced on Monday that the impeachment trial would be suspended until 5 pm on Friday and would meet again on Sunday.

It was unclear whether Schoen’s withdrawal would lead to a change in the impeachment’s timetable, which starts Tuesday afternoon with arguments about its constitutionality.
