Trump ‘Will Be the Grinch Who Stole Christmas’: Al Green Slams President’s Veto

Texas Democratic Representative Al Green said on Thursday that President Donald Trump’s last-minute defense bill veto could make him “the Grinch who stole Christmas”.

Trump fulfilled his promise on Wednesday to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) after Congress failed to address his concerns about Section 230 protections for social media platforms.

Green told CBS that Trump’s veto, followed by his return to Mar-a-Lago for the holidays, made him the Grinch. (RELATED: Governor Cuomo calls COVID ‘The Grinch’, tells people to think of COVID when they hear Christmas music)

Green began by noting that if Congress didn’t have votes to overturn Trump’s veto, the bill would go to the next Congress and they would be forced to start all over again.

“If that happens, the president will be the Grinch who stole Christmas. He will be the Grinch who harmed the military and put people in danger and put lives at risk ”. (RELATED: ‘No Limit’: House Democrat says he can try to accuse Trump multiple times)

Green went on to say that Trump could have participated in the negotiations that led to the final vote on aid for coronavirus – a project that Trump also sent to Congress, requiring that direct stimulus payments from $ 600 be increased to $ 2,000 – but that he chose not to do that.

“The president waited, he allowed his substitutes to negotiate this, he didn’t complain until everything was over. I mean, signed, sealed and delivered to him. And at that point, he decided he wanted to open negotiations again, “explained Green, adding:” It tells me that the president is not a great negotiator, he is a great destroyer. “

Green concluded by saying that Trump could spend his holidays “in the lap of luxury” in Mar-a-Lago, but that did not stop others from suffering.
