Trump told advisers not to pay Giuliani because he is upset with him: WaPo

  • President Donald Trump told advisers not to pay Rudy Giuliani because he is upset with him, The Washington Post reported and confirmed The New York Times.
  • Trump feels that the allies did not support him when Congress moved to challenge him a second time.
  • He also feels he was not defended after inciting a crowd that invaded and looted the Capitol, resulting in five deaths.
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President Donald Trump is now upset with personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani and has instructed advisers not to pay his attorney fees, The Washington Post reported and confirmed the New York Times.

Trump was impeached for the second time on Wednesday. The House of Representatives presented an impeachment article for “inciting insurrection”; 232-205 was passed with ten Republicans voting in favor of impeaching the president. The charge is for Trump’s role in inciting an attempted coup on the U.S. Capitol last week, which left five people dead. Now he goes to the Senate for trial.

According to the Post and The Times, Trump has become increasingly isolated – cutting off some aides, while others leave the White House empty in the last week of the Trump administration.

Giuliani is one of those confidants whose relationship with the president has deteriorated.

The New York Times reported that White House officials began blocking Giuliani’s calls to Trump and, according to The Post, Trump told advisers not to pay him.

Trump was “offended” by some of Giuliani’s actions, including asking for $ 20,000 for his work in fighting election results, the Times reported. (A fee Giuliani denied.) Trump also instructed aides that he would personally approve any refunds to Giuliani for travel while disputing the election results, the Post reported.

Giuliani encouraged Trump to believe unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about non-existent electoral fraud. Trump and the Republican allies have failed to win any of several dozen lawsuits that have started in courts in an attempt to overturn the election results.

Giuliani was also criticized for his comments during the “Save America” ​​rally that preceded the Capitol siege.

The lawyer asked for “trial by combat” at the rally, but later said he was only making a reference to “Game of Thrones” and not calling for violence.

Many, including former US assistant attorneys who worked with him, said they were dismayed by his comments.

Read More:‘It was degrading’: Black Capitol custody officials talk about how it was to clean up the mess left by violent pro-Trump white supremacists

A senior government official told the Post that Trump is upset not only with Giuliani, but also with Vice President Mike Pence, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, economic advisor Larry Kudlow, advisor national security chief Robert O ‘Brien and chief of staff Mark Meadows, who he believes did not defend him after recent events.

“The president is very tense,” the senior government official told the Post. “No one is out there.”
