Trump plans to live in Mar-a-Lago and hire some current advisers

President Donald Trump

Photographer: Saul Loeb / AFP via Getty Images

Donald Trump plans to fly to his resort in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, on the morning of Joe Biden’s inauguration, where several current White House officials are expected to work for him or his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, after his presidency, according to for people familiar with the subject.

Trump plans to live at the Palm Beach resort, people said, although some of his future neighbors are trying to prevent him from taking up permanent residence.


Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

Photographer: Lynne Sladky / AP Photo

In Washington, the State Department extended an invitation to Biden and his wife, Jill, to stay at Blair House, a historic home near the White House, the night before the Jan. 20 inauguration, according to people familiar with the matter. .

The Bidens accepted, say people familiar with the matter, continuing a tradition of elected presidents.

There has been uncertainty in the White House as to where Trump would go after his presidency. Aides assumed that Mar-a-Lago, but the president did not tell them of his plans or publicly say what he will do after leaving the White House, people said.

Kushner plans to live at least part of the time in Miami with his wife, Ivanka Trump, people said.

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Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump

Photographer: T. Narayan / Bloomberg

Trump advisers who can work for him after the White House include Nick Luna, the Oval Office Director of Operations and Trump’s “man in the body”; Molly Michael, Trump’s assistant assistant; and Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, people said. Luna’s wife, Cassidy Luna, an assistant to the president, can work for Kushner.

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People asked not to be identified because he did not make them public and may change his mind.

After some speculation among advisers that he might leave early, Trump now plans to leave Washington for Florida on the morning of January 20, according to two people familiar with the matter. The president announced on January 8 that he would not attend Biden’s inauguration after his false claims that the election was stolen from him inspired a bloody revolt among his supporters on the United States Capitol.

It was his last tweet before Twitter permanently suspended his account because of concerns that he could use it to provoke more violence. Vice President Mike Pence – who angered Trump by refusing to agree to his attempt to overturn the election and was furious at the president after the riot – will attend Biden’s inauguration.

Presidents are not constitutionally required to attend the inaugurations of their successors, but traditionally they do so to symbolize the importance of transferring power peacefully.

Boxes, Stuffed Pheasant

A lawyer representing several of Trump’s neighbors demanded that Palm Beach declare that the outgoing president cannot live in Mar-a-Lago, citing an agreement he made with the city in the early 1990s when he converted ownership of a private residence. in a private club, according to the Washington Post. So far, it is not known that the city has done anything that could prevent Trump from living there.

Trump’s team began vacating the White House. On Wednesday, a Reuters photographer photographed the president’s commercial advisor, Peter Navarro, carrying a large framed photograph of one of Trump’s meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping outside the White House. Photographers also saw Meadows’ wife, Debbie Meadows, placing a stuffed pheasant in the trunk of a car along with the boxes.

– With the help of Jordan Fabian and Josh Wingrove

(Updates with Trump planning to leave Washington on January 20, in the ninth paragraph)
