Transphobia is destroying the golden opportunity for Scotland’s independence

EDINBURGH – Scottish nationalists have never had a better chance of fulfilling their centuries-old dream of guaranteeing independence. The Brexit that Scottish voters never wanted is proving to be as dire as had been predicted, the stilted and painfully English Prime Minister Boris Johnson is stumbling into an eternal disaster, and the last 20 opinion polls have shown the pro-independence side in the lead.

But, like anyone with even a Brave HeartUp to the level of knowledge of their national history, Scots have an old tendency to pull defeat from the clutches of victory. And right now, Scottish nationalists who have spent their entire lives working for this moment are letting everything go to hell – because of a furious and destructive dispute over transgender rights that made lawmakers burst into tears at meetings.

Britain’s persistent problem with transphobia, which comes from both the left and the right, is well documented.

Scotland, where political leaders pride themselves on looking more outwardly and progressive than their belching Brexit counterparts in the south, has not escaped being sucked into the same brain-destroying vortex. In fact, it is home to the best-known cultural warrior on the issue, JK Rowling, who was rejected by almost every child actor from appearing at Hogwarts for her anti-trans tweets.

The problem has now flooded the center-left Scottish National Party, which leads the decentralized Scottish government and has been the driving force behind Britain’s separation movement since the 1930s. Last week, things got so bad that its leader and Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, had to post a video pleading with young LGBTQ + members of his party to stop cutting their membership cards en masse due to the anti-trans views of some of the senior members of his party .

In the video, Sturgeon said she had heard of “mostly young people, in a significant number, leaving the SNP” because they no longer thought it was a safe place for trans people. The Prime Minister said that he “regrets [her] deeply ”that those younger members had reached this damning conclusion, and she pledged to do“ everything [she] it can change that impression and persuade you all that the SNP is your party. “

Sturgeon added: “Trans people have as much right as any of us to be protected, protected and valued for what they are. Transphobia is wrong and we must treat it with zero tolerance, we treat racism or homophobia ”.

The message was welcome, but for most of those who gave up, it was far from enough to convince them to return. Their decisions came after what they saw as several years of gradually increasing tolerance – and lack of counter action – anti-toxic views across the party.

One of the now ex-members, Teddy Hope, who uses their pronouns, told The Daily Beast that they stepped down as transgender officer of the LGBTQ + wing of the SNP last year after being abused by party members in a meeting because they are not binary. Hope said that one of his attackers was later chosen for an important official role, and the party did not follow up on complaints about that person.

“I honestly believe that the SNP has become one of the main centers of transphobia in Scotland,” explained Hope. “We are seeing a radicalization process taking place within our movement. Those who oppose the human rights of transgender people are few, but they have a great influence on party politics and on our media, which is deeply worrying ”.

Mridul Wadhwa, a black trans woman who also felt forced to leave the party recently, told The Daily Beast that she was repeatedly attacked when trying to run for more important positions in the party. She said the problem worsened when her eligibility to be selected from a list of all-female candidates was questioned angrily by party members.

“I expect transphobia everywhere I go, but that is a failure of leadership,” said Wadhwa. “I don’t think there are a lot of people, but there are enough with power and privilege who have debated about trans life without involving or understanding our lives. I believe they have no legitimate concerns, they are genocidal in their views because they really don’t want us to exist ”.
