Tom Rice: South Carolina Republican faces reaction against impeachment

Before leaving Capitol, his phone rang, according to Rice. On the other line was House Republican Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, who did not think he really intended to accuse the then president.

“I said, ‘I hit the right button,'” Rice said.

But Trump’s supporters at home don’t think he did that. Rice may now be one of the few members of Congress to face a political price for this vote. In the weeks that followed, several Republicans launched campaigns or threatened to run against the five-term congressman, knowing that 59% of the Myrtle Beach district supported the former president instead of Joe Biden.

“There’s a firestorm,” said Katon Dawson, a former South Carolina Republican Party president and Rice’s ally. “South Carolina is important to Donald Trump.”

But Rice has no regrets. He spent the days before the vote “taking everything I could find” about what Trump did and whether that would fit the alleged charge of “inciting insurrection”.

“The more I read, the more furious I get,” Rice told CNN in an interview last week, before the Senate acquitted Trump.

“There were very strong votes that I could go to anyway, and sometimes I wonder,” Rice said. “This is not one of those votes.”

Rice, a CPA and tax attorney, has maintained the party’s line since arriving in Congress in 2013, serving as a discreet fiscal conservative on the House’s influential Means and Means Committee. He voted for Trump 94% of the time and for him in the 2020 presidential election. His conservative approach has led to big Republican primary victories and easy reelections.
But Rice’s political career is suddenly in jeopardy, hampered by corporate political action committees that have suspended his donations and by some Trump supporters, who are furious at his impeachment vote.

GOP challengers emerge

Before the Capitol riot on January 6, Trump repeatedly told his supporters to “stop stealing!” In a speech that day, he urged his supporters “to make their voices peaceful and patriotic”, but also to “fight like crazy”, “never give up” and “never give in”.

Rice noted that Trump tweeted that then Vice President Mike Pence did not have the “courage” to oversee the election’s certification, which was his constitutional obligation, during the riot. The crowd searched for Pence and Mayor Nancy Pelosi and searched the senators’ tables on the floor of the chamber.

Some of Trump’s supporters were dressed in tactical clothes, armed with zippers. Others held Trump 2020 flags, smashed windows with poles, and set up a gallows for Pence. Five people died, including Capitol policeman Brian Sicknick, and about 140 policemen were injured.

Rice said it was clear that Trump committed the crime, agreeing with many of the points that House managers raised during the impeachment trial last week.

“If this is not a serious crime or misdemeanor, I don’t know what it is,” Rice said of Trump’s actions that day. “I don’t know what the president could have done worse, unless he went down there himself and started shooting at us or something.”

Republican MP Tom Rice listens to a constituent during a 2017 City Hall meeting in Society Hill, South Carolina.
The vast majority of his colleagues disagree. Rice is just one of ten House Republicans who voted for impeachment. Some of the others have also received primary challengers, but eight of them serve in districts that are less friendly to Trump than Rice. The ninth is Wyoming MP Liz Cheney, who won the Trump family’s ire, but may be better able to handle it due to her stature and a brand built by her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, who held from 1979 to 1989.
At home, many Republicans are furious at what they see as an unconstitutional impeachment trial. The Republican Party of South Carolina voted last month for formal censorship of Rice. State lawmakers, including Deputy Russel Fry, a member of the Republican Party leadership in South Carolina, are now considering proposals for his seat.

Ken Richardson, chairman of the Horry County Board of Education, has already announced his campaign. Richardson told CNN that he planned to run against the deputy in 2024, after he completed another term in his office, but postponed the deadline after the impeachment vote.

“Sometimes, when the stars align, you have to take advantage of that,” said Richardson.

Republican state deputy Heather Ammons Crawford said voters in the Rice district are “very upset” about their vote. When asked if Trump played a role in the deadly turmoil, she said, “It doesn’t really matter what I think. It matters what voters think.”

Rice acknowledged that her decision worried Republicans in her district, claiming that her office received about 5,000 calls from her voters against impeachment and 4,000 in favor, but said her opponents would have “difficulty” gaining strength if the basis for running was justified. the attack on the Capitol.

Rice said she would campaign in 2022 on her record, working on issues such as beach renovation, hurricane relief and port infrastructure for her tourism-dependent district on the northeastern plains of Palmetto state.

He said he supports the Biden government in spending billions more to increase vaccine production and distribution, and would consider it “a little more stimulus” for Americans. But he said he opposes the Democrats’ general Covid-19 relief proposal.

“There are a lot of things on this $ 1.9 trillion liberal pork wish list that I just can’t swallow,” Rice said.

‘He knew he was going to get a little imp’

Some Republican strategists said it was too early to say whether Rice’s vote could cost him his seat. Rice received almost 62% of the vote in 2020 and her campaign has more than $ 1.1 million in hand.

Walter Whetsell, a campaign advisor for Rice, said the primary election ended in more than a year and the anger subsided until a month ago.

“It will really be difficult to run a campaign against Tom Rice based on some factors from Trump,” said Whetsell. “He has a very, very solid record of supporting the things in Congress that Donald Trump fought for.”

J. Edward Bell III, a South Carolina lawyer who made donations to Democrats and Republicans, including Rice, said he was “pleased how I could see that someone voted for him.”

“He knew he was going to catch a little devil, but I think in the long run, as Trump … the brightness starts to fade, I think he will be seen as a visionary,” said Bell.

Rice himself thinks that Trump is the one who has lost political support. If the presidential election were held now, he said Trump would lose to Biden in a “landslide”.

“I can absolutely guarantee that he would get nothing close to 74 million votes,” Rice said. “I doubt he won my district today.”

Rep. Tom Rice speaks at a town hall meeting at the Florence County Library in 2017 in Florence, South Carolina.

Still, Rice could use the help of the Republican Party business wing.

Many corporations have decided to suspend and revise their donations to 147 Republicans in Congress who opposed the 2020 election certification, a typically monotonous case that pro-Trump rioters turned into a last-ditch resistance to overturn the election.

More than 60% of Rice’s contributions to his latest run for reelection came from political action committees, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. But Aflac, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, the National Association of Realtors and representatives from Home Depot told CNN that their PACs are still reevaluating their contribution policies for Rice and other lawmakers, referring to their statements after the turmoil.

Rice pointed out that some House Democrats in previous election cycles have also opposed certification. “I think Republicans are the ones who should be responsible,” he said.

But Rice said he did not “regret raising the issue” of electoral fraud, although there is no widespread evidence of this and Trump has lost numerous disputes in court. He said a letter from the president of the Pennsylvania Senate was instrumental in his decision to oppose, although he “guessed” after the violation of the Capitol. He said he had already announced his position and “did not want to back down on my word” and change it.

Rice clearly didn’t like Trump’s strong weapons approach to that vote, or the pro-Trump crowd using violence to make their point.

“This is the executive branch attacking the legislature,” said Rice. “And I don’t suffer well with bullies.”
