Tom Moore, 100-year-old UK fund-raising hero, hospitalized with Covid-19

Queen's Knights, Captain Tom Moore, 100-year-old veteran, who raised millions for the NHS
Moore became a national celebrity and was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in July, after raising nearly £ 33 million ($ 40 million at the time).

Moore was taken to a hospital on Sunday because of breathing problems after receiving treatment for pneumonia in recent weeks, his daughter said, adding that he was not in the ICU.

“The medical care he has received in recent weeks has been remarkable and we know that the wonderful staff at Bedford Hospital will do everything they can to make him comfortable and, hopefully, return home as soon as possible,” she said.

Moore was accompanied to the cavalry ceremony in July by his daughter, son-in-law Colin Ingram, grandson Benji and graduate Georgia, according to PA Media.

“I could never imagine that this would happen to me. It is a great honor and I am very much looking forward to meeting Her Majesty, the Queen,” he said at the time. “It will be the most special day for me.”

“If I kneel, I will never get up again,” he added as he left his home for Windsor Castle.

Moore, who rose to the rank of captain during his military career, was promoted to honorary colonel in recognition of his efforts.

From real divisions to public relations crises, Queen Elizabeth had a difficult year in 2020. But the pandemic has renewed its relevance.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson personally recommended to the queen that Moore should be exceptionally honored, according to a Downing Street press release at the time.

“Colonel Tom’s fantastic fundraiser broke records, inspired the whole country and provided all of us with a beacon of light through the coronavirus haze,” Johnson said in the statement.
