TI and Tiny deny allegations of rape, kidnapping and drugs

Hip-hop couple TI and Tameka “Tiny” Harris have been accused of a litany of horrific crimes – including kidnapping and rape – by more than 30 women.

In a press release sent on Sunday, lawyer Tyrone A. Blackburn called for a criminal investigation against the couple after dozens of women came forward accusing the two of “a myriad of forced drug allegations, kidnapping, rape and intimidation at least. two states, including California and Georgia. “

On Monday, an IT lawyer and Tiny said that they “deny in the strongest possible terms these baseless and baseless claims” and called it “extortion”.

At a virtual news conference on Monday, Blackburn said he was omitting the names of women because of concerns about possible intimidation.

A woman claims she was hired to do a private dance for the couple in 2018, during which a spokesman for Blackburn said “she was forced to take [MDMA, cocaine and other drugs} and engage in unwanted sexual acts with other women. She had her cell phone and belongings taken and was held against her will for three days.”

In 2015, Tiny allegedly hired a teenage friend to work as their assistant, and “on one occasion, T.I. stood over her, and Tiny stood close by, and T.I. forced her to open her mouth and swallow eight ecstasy pills,” Blackburn’s spokesperson added. The alleged victim also claims that she wasn’t paid for her work as an assistant.

Allegations against the couple had circulated on social media before Blackburn made his announcement.

“Clifford (T.I.) and Tameka [Tiny] Harris denies in the strongest possible terms these
unfounded and unfounded claims. We are confident that if these allegations are fully and fairly investigated, no charges will be made, ”said Steve Sadow, the couple’s lawyer, in a statement on their behalf. “These denunciations are nothing more than the continuation of a sordid shakedown campaign that started on social media. The Harris plead with everyone not to be fooled by these obvious attempts to manipulate the press and abuse the justice system. ”

Blackburn is filing a defamation suit against the couple on behalf of Sabrina Peterson, one of their first accusers, who accused the couple of sex trafficking and accused TI of putting a gun to her head. But he says the other anonymous women are not looking for money.

“They are seeking justice … These women never asked for money. They never asked for money. Steve Sadow, maybe he said something bad … I didn’t ask him for a dollar and from what I got from the conversations we had in the emails, they were very, very interested in ending this story and these statements, ”he said. Blackburn during the press conference. “They didn’t want this to come out.”

Sadow responded with another statement denying that he tried to “make a deal” to end the story.

“This is patently false. I tried to see if he would share any information since
name was posted on Instagram as Sabrina Peterson’s lawyer. Black flame
repeatedly refused to provide the names of his accusing clients or any corroboration
or supporting evidence for your unfounded claims. The Harris repeat that they are
confident that if a thorough and fair investigation is conducted, no charges will be made
they brought.”

Vh1 suspended the production of its reality show, “TI & Tiny: Friends & Family Hustle”, after Peterson made his accusations.
