The total number of people who died of COVID-19 in Iowa exceeds 4,300

DES MOINES, Iowa (KCRG) – More than five dozen people who died of the new coronavirus were reported by state officials, according to new data on Saturday morning.

As of 10:30 am, the Iowa Department of Public Health said 1,333 people who tested positive for COVID-19 were added to the state total, which now stands at 304,122. 265,317 people are considered recovered from the disease.

In all, the state has 64 deaths due to the virus, which is 4,321 people since the beginning of the pandemic.

505 people are hospitalized due to COVID-19 in Iowa, a net reduction of eight people since Friday’s morning report. 91 of these people are in intensive care units, which did not show net variation. 39 patients require the use of a ventilator, a net increase of four. 80 people were recently admitted to Iowa hospitals in the last 24-hour reporting period, a number similar to that of the past few days.

Another 4,141 people had test results reported by public and private laboratories in the past 24 hours. The positivity rate for this batch of tests was 32.2%, slightly higher than the 30.0% of the previous day. The positivity rate calculated using this method may differ from the number on the state coronavirus panel, due to the fact that it uses the number of people tested, not the total number of tests, including people who have been tested repeatedly.

A total of 1,418,946 people in Iowa have been tested since the pandemic began.

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