The TikTok user proves that the North West painting is real

Did Jerry Saltz have an opinion on that?

Regardless, TikTok user Camryn Fred accessed the popular social media app on Tuesday to prove that North West really painted impressive work in the Bob Ross style under the instructions of Fred’s mother, an art teacher.

The brief clip begins with Fred saying that she never thought she would have to speak on behalf of Kim Kardashian and North, 7, but felt it was necessary, considering the negative reaction the family received.

She started sharing images of herself at the age of seven, alongside the same painting that Kardashian shared.

“My mom taught me how to do this, and she taught North how to do it two weeks ago. She has been an art teacher for 30 years, and everyone who comes to her classes goes through this same painting when they are starting. “

She then shared a photo of her and her mother – North’s instructor – together.

The authenticity of North’s work was questioned moments after Kardashian, 40, shared it, with commentators refusing to believe that the second year created the painting.

North West, Kim Kardashian and TikTok user Camryn Fred.
TikTok user Camryn Fred proves that the North West painting is real.
Getty Images / TikTok

Kardashian doubled in defense of her firstborn and was accompanied by BFF Tracy Romulus, who confirmed that her own daughter took the same art classes.

“The two girls are in art class together and learning oil painting techniques from an instructor,” explained Romulus in an Instagram story. “They spend weeks on a single painting and are extremely proud of themselves when they complete a project.”
