The ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ star offers a $ 20,000 reward for information about the person who wrote ‘Trump’ on the manatee’s back

“Guardians of the Galaxy” star Dave Bautista is offering a $ 20,000 reward for information leading to the person who wrote TRUMP on the back of a manatee that was found in Florida on Sunday.

Bautisa, a native of the State of the Sun, increased the excellent $ 5,000 prize previously offered by the Center for Biological Diversity.

“If there is still no reward for the arrest and conviction of the scoundrels and scorners MAGATs who did this, I will raise $ 20,000,” he promised in a tweet. “And I promise there will be a bonus for this reward!”

The animal, found in the Homosassa river, appeared to have the president’s name written on the back in seaweed. It is not yet clear how this happened.

Jaclyn Lopez, director of the Center for Biological Diversity in Florida, condemned the act to The New York Times, saying, “Manatees are not billboards and people shouldn’t be messing with these sensitive and threatened animals for any reason.

“However, this political graffiti was placed on this manatee, it is a crime to interfere with these creatures, which are protected by various federal laws,” she added.

Manatees are classified as an endangered species in Florida and tend to migrate to natural sources, including the Homosassa River, during the winter months in search of warmer waters.
