The cause of death of the influential pregnant Emily Mitchell has been revealed

Earlier this month, the father blogging community was shocked to learn that Emily Mitchell, an influential popular and blogger mom, died unexpectedly. She was 36 and about 16 weeks pregnant with her fifth child, who also died. She intended to call him Joey.

According to an update on the fundraising page for his family, his cause of death was a pulmonary embolism.

“Thanks also for respecting our privacy while adapting to life without mom,” says the update, made on Tuesday, January 12th. “A few days ago we learned from the state Medical Examiner’s Office that the official cause of death was a pulmonary embolism. While it is challenging to understand how this could have happened, we know that all first aid and medical staff did everything they did could help. and therefore we are sure that it was simply her time; the Lord was calling her home. “

What is a pulmonary embolism?

According to the Mayo Clinic, a pulmonary embolism is an obstruction in one of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. In most cases, the life-threatening condition is caused by blood clots that reach the lungs of the deep veins in the legs.

Mitchell posted on his blog about raising four young children and teaching them at home on his website, The Hidden Way. She also posted regular updates on Instagram, where she has accumulated more than 100,000 followers. (Since his death, the follower count has grown even further, reaching almost 175,000.)

Mitchell left her husband, Joseph Mitchell, and their four children: Finn, Isla, Eden and Luna.

“The children and I are very grateful for the show of love and support following the sudden death of our beloved Emily and baby Joey,” said the update. “Words cannot describe how significant their words, gestures, expressions and encouragement have been to us.”

The family promised to continue Mitchell’s commitment to home education “in the same spirit and vision that Emily was so passionate about.” The family also promised to inform their followers about what they will do in the future.

The update also said, “We miss Mum very much, but we also have peace and joy as believers, knowing that she really is in a better place in the presence of her Savior, for having trusted Jesus from an early age.”
