The Bachelor ‘s Matt James admits he is “uncomfortable” when he sees himself kissing with his eyes open

Matt James certainly has beautiful eyes, but viewers of The bachelor they may be able to see a little more of them than they would like.

One aspect of this season that is as inevitable as Matt’s incredibly beautiful appearance is the fact that he inexplicably keeps his eyes open while kissing women, which social media users have been sure to point out on countless occasions. And, it seems, the man himself finds this peculiarity as strange as anyone else.

Matt was a guest of the ACC network Playing on Tuesday, January 26th, where the hosts Kelsey Riggs and EJ Manuel I just had to ask him what is wrong with him taking a good look at his partner during those kisses.

“Damn, you all threw me under the bus, this is crazy,” replied the reality show star with a laugh. “I guess I didn’t realize that kissing with my eyes open until people were filming me kissing people, and I’m watching it back. I’m like, Hey, what are you doing?”

The worst kisses of the stars on the screen

Matt was a good sportsman when he apologized and warned fans not to expect that aspect of the show to change anytime soon.

Originally published
