The Anti-Fraud Office investigates the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency

The Anti-Fraud Office investigates the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency
Archive image courtesy of Frontex


The Maritime Executive

01-12-2021 09:41:00

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) is investigating the EU’s recently strengthened border agency, Frontex, in connection with alleged resistance from immigrants across Europe’s borders.

“OLAF can confirm that it has opened an investigation into Frontex,” the agency told the media in a statement. “The fact that OLAF is conducting an investigation does not mean that the persons / entities involved have committed an irregularity / fraud.”

OLAF did not provide further details, but Politico reports that the content of the investigation deals with allegations of harassment within the agency and alleged illegal repulsion operations against migrants.

Frontex says it is fully cooperating with the investigation and said that OLAF investigations are part of “normal good governance practices”.

Some members of the European Parliament criticized Frontex and its executive director Fabrice Leggeri for a series of incidents on Greece’s maritime border with Turkey last year. Media investigations have suggested (controversially) that a Frontex unit may have been involved in at least one attempt to prevent migrant boats from entering Greek waters by pushing them back. At a parliamentary hearing in December, Leggeri denied that any wrongdoing had occurred.

Frontex launched its own investigation into the allegations, but the European Green Party called for an outside investigation and the Socialists and Democrats called for Leggeri’s resignation.

European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly opened a separate investigation into how Frontex handles complaints of fundamental rights violations. The investigation focuses on Frontex’s complaints mechanism and the independence of Frontex staff charged with ensuring the rights of migrants and asylum seekers. Frontex has been working to recruit “fundamental rights monitors” to fulfill this role.
