Stewing in the White House, Trump plans a proud media tour and shouts ‘I will not resign’

Kidnapped in the White House after a series of high-profile resignations and the deadly riot at the United States Capitol on Wednesday that he openly ignited, and with less than two weeks left of his term, Donald Trump is so far ruthless that he could soon become the first American president to be charged twice by the House of Representatives. Instead, he is determined to stay in office and look good – body count aside. According to a source with direct knowledge of the matter, the president at one point in the White House on Friday “literally shouted” the words “I WILL NOT DEMIT”, before launching a speech on how Democratic lawmakers will regret their pressure to accuse him a second time, and that they are harming “the country” in doing so.

Two other people familiar with the situation said that Trump made other similar comments this week or gave no indication that he was concerned about leaving early or a removal. Trump, the two sources said, also predicted that it was a futile effort for him, as the Senate that would soon become controlled by Democrats, currently in the hands of the Republican Party, would never condemn him in another impeachment trial, and asked advisers if they agreed with him.

In addition to increasing calls for his resignation or invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove him from office, Trump now faces a possible investigation for inciting the rebellion for his comments to supporters before the Capitol invasion on Wednesday.

Since Friday, the president has also been furious with Twitter for banning his @realDonaldTrump account, demanding to know if there were legal remedies for the permanent suspension, people close to Trump say.

White House spokesmen did not respond to a request for comment on Saturday afternoon. But campaign advisor Jason Miller, Trump’s current senior adviser, told The Daily Beast on Saturday night: “Be careful what you want. Big Tech, Big Media and their friends in the national Democratic Party have a unique ability to overtake, resulting in the strengthening of President Trump’s political base. ”

In the days following the pro-Trump uprising and its death toll, as well as in the final days of an increase in coronavirus in the United States, the outgoing president was consumed by his standard diet of personal complaints and plans to promote and brag about the which he regards as “incredible achievements”, even when some important members of his own party begin to distance themselves from his mess.
