Sony Xperia Pro – finally a phone that you can use as an external monitor

Along with Alpha 1, Sony also announced the Xperia Pro, which they claim is the world’s first smartphone with dedicated HDMI input.

HDMI input

It is something that people have wanted to see for a long time and finally, we have a phone with HDMI input. If only Apple could do that with their phones. Being able to use a smartphone as a monitor makes a lot of sense. Yes, you can monitor images beforehand on a smartphone, but only wirelessly or through a multitude of conversion boxes.

Having a wired solution makes a lot of sense, since most modern smartphones have very bright and accurate color screens. This makes them very suitable for use with smaller size cameras.

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We saw this being demonstrated for the first time at IBC 2019, where Sony was displaying an Xperia 1 connected directly to a Sony VENICE.

Having an HDMI input allows users to improve their workflow by connecting the phone to a Sony Alpha camera or any other HDMI device. This allows you to not only use the Xperia Pro as a monitor, but also to enable a 5G data link so you can stream video in real time. To do this, you need to have a compatible third-party live streaming app.

The Xperia PRO’s 6.5-inch high-quality 4K OLED monitor allows you to monitor images through pre-installed External Monitor host application software.