Sony may be working on a rear button accessory for the PS5 DualSense controller

Sony is apparently looking to develop its rear button attachment for the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller, according to a new patent. A new ‘additional controller device with customizable presets’ document was published in the World Intellectual Property Organization database on February 4, suggesting that Sony wants to develop the accessory to work with the PS5 gamepad. According to the patent, Sony filed the required paperwork on June 29, 2020, and the publication of the document would apparently allow Sony to start production on a DualSense rear button accessory.

The images (below) appear to show a peripheral almost identical to the PS4 rear button attachment released last year. We called this attachment “easy to recommend”, despite being “a little weird” in a 7/10 review. At the time, we even wondered if that meant DualSense would have built-in rear buttons, but it wasn’t meant to be – it seems that Sony is now offering an option for that.

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization

Like the PlayStation 4 DualShock controller peripheral, the DualSense gamepad accessory attaches to the input slots on the base of the PS5 controller. The accessory’s buttons would also be fully customizable, which would allow users to map command presets based on each button press. The patent indicates that the add-on to the Back button would allow more buttons “to be within reach of the user when using certain functions”, as some button warnings “may be out of reach of the average hand when using certain functions”.

It is unclear whether Sony will proceed with the production of its DualSense rear button add-on, or whether this is the company just protecting itself against third-party accessories. Sony previously lobbied Customize My Plates, a third-party manufacturer of PS5 plates, to cancel its custom orders, and the PS5’s Back button patent may be a way to prevent other companies from creating their own Back button accessories.News of the PS5 rear button add-on patent came after Sony revealed that the DualSense controller would not automatically come equipped with such a device. In September 2020, Sony confirmed that the gamepad would not have a Back button or trigger functionality, but this patent document suggests that it may not be long before the peripheral is official.

Tom Power is a UK based freelance writer. Follow him on Twitter.
