SI’s mother, 42, dies after 11 years of battle with breast cancer

STATEN ISLAND, NY – Jennifer D’Ambrosio, a Rosebank resident, childbirth nurse and mother of an 11-year-old daughter, was a fighter.

“She struggled a lot for 11 years,” said her sister, Denise Reiter, of her sister’s struggle with breast cancer, who was diagnosed at just 31 years of age.

“If you met her on the street, you would never know that she was battling stage 4 breast cancer,” said Reiter. “She never let my niece know how difficult things got. … But in recent months things have gotten worse. The cancer metastasized to his skin, liver and lungs. “

Although she fought bravely against the disease, after an 11-year battle with breast cancer, D’Ambrosio died on December 26, 2020.

Jennifer D'Ambrosio

Jennifer D’Ambrosio, resident of Rosebank, her husband, Micheal, and their daughter Alyssa Rose.

“No matter what she’s going through, my sister will always be there to help those in need,” said Reiter. “She always had a smile on her face, no matter what she was going through. She has always been very positive and an amazing role model for my sons and their daughter. “


Nine years ago, D’Ambrosio shared his story with Staten Island Advance / readers about his breast cancer diagnosis.

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 31 and had a 5-month-old daughter. That was just the beginning of what was coming for me, ”she wrote.

In the story, she detailed her extensive treatment, which included chemotherapy.

Jennifer D'Ambrosio

Jennifer D’Ambrosio, resident of Rosebank, and her daughter Alyssa Rose.

“Two weeks later, I arrived at my chemo appointment and my oncologist threw a bomb at me. My PET scan showed some hot spots, which means that the cancer probably metastasized, ”wrote D’Ambrosio. “So, here I am, 31 years old with a baby at home, and I have stage four cancer. My immediate reaction was: ‘I’m going to die, my husband will be widowed and my daughter won’t even remember me’ ”.

She learned on December 28, 2009 that the cancer had spread to her sternum.

“When I arrived at the infusion room [for chemotherapy], it was as if the black clouds had disappeared and I saw the light. I met with my chemotherapy nurse, who was sent from heaven and answered all my questions, ensuring that it was not a death sentence, ”she wrote.

“… The most important person who inspires me to continue the fight is my precious 2-year-old daughter, Alyssa Rose. She goes to the [Making Strides] walks with me and is my biggest fan, along with my husband, Mike. I will not leave this land until I see your graduate school, get married and have children ”, added D’Ambrosio in the 2011 story.

Jennifer D'Ambrosio

Jennifer D’Ambrosio, resident of Rosebank, and her sister, Denise Reiter.


D’Ambrosio underwent double mastectomy in 2012 and underwent continuous chemotherapy until a few months ago, according to Reiter.

“She was not in complete remission, because she had spots on her sternum. She had chemotherapy every three weeks and exams every three months to follow up, ”said Reiter.

Birth and delivery nurse at Staten Island University Hospital, D’Ambrosio worked until the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).

“Her doctor did not want her to work during the pandemic,” said Reiter.


D’Ambrosio became active in raising money for the American Cancer Society through the Breast Cancer Stride Making Strides. In the first year, she raised $ 2,000, D’Ambrosio said in the story.

“I’m getting Facebook messages from all over the world from people my sister has never met [in person] – only through cancer support groups. They are saying how much my sister was an inspiration to them and how they would like to have met her in person, ”said Reiter.

D’Ambrosio was also an active leader at the March of Dimes Foundation.

About D’Ambrosio, best friend Christine Zuffi-Romeo said: “Jennifer had a light in her … For everyone she knew, she brought happiness. She was inspiring for everyone. I will miss her with all my heart. “

In addition to her sister and daughter, her husband, Michael D’Ambrosio, survives; mother, Diane Taylor Winckelman; brother-in-law, Dr. Michael Reiter; mother-in-law, Genevieve D’Ambrosio; brother and sister-in-law, Nicholas and Elizabeth Argenziano; nephews and nephews, Samantha Jolly, Guiliana Argenziano, Nicolas Argenziano, Sophia Reiter, Mia Argenziano and Michael Reiter.

Preparations for the funeral are being managed by the Martin Hughes Funeral Home. There will be visits on Tuesday from 2 pm to 4 pm and from 7 pm to 9 pm. A funeral mass will be held at St. Ann’s RC Church, Dongan Hills on Wednesday.

