Showrunner Falcon and the Winter Soldier in Sharon Carter and Zemo

Anthony Mackie and Emily Van Camp;  Daniel Brüel on the hawk and the winter soldier

Anthony Mackie and Emily Van Camp; Daniel Brüel on the hawk and the winter soldier
Photograph: Chuck Zlotnick / Marvel Studios

After an action-packed debut, Marvel’s latest Disney + series, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, will continue to expand its world when it returns with a new episode on Friday. Before the second launch of the series, we talked to showrunner Malcolm Spellman and director Kari Skogland about what fans can expect for the rest of the six-episode season.

These conversations are now available as part of the last episode of The AV Clubpodcast from Push the envelope. You can listen to the full conversation in the episode below – which also includes our thoughts on who will win the TV categories at the next SAG Awards – or read excerpts from our chat with Spellman below.

The AV Club: In addition to Falcon and Winter Soldier, the show also features some characters from previous Marvel projects, such as Sharon Carter and Zemo and some others with no name. As a writer, who were you most excited to be back and being able to investigate?

Malcom Spellman: The character that became more fun was Sharon Carter, because Emily [VanCamp] it has a baby face. She looks very sweet and innocent, but Sharon Carter will emerge as a badass. I would have to use much more inappropriate language to describe how amazing it is. Let’s just say this: Sharon Carter is grown up now. I think what made it so fun was that we started to meet Sharon in Captain America Civil War, and you just take into account what would have happened naturally between Civil war and now you have a totally different Sharon Carter showing up.

AVC: In a way, the Avengers are “responsible for law enforcement”. They are, in the purest sense of the word, applying laws. That said, they are the best version of law enforcement. As we have seen in the films, many times, when many hands are involved, the mission is impaired and power is corrupted. How do you see where the superheroes are in terms of being the protectors of what is right and what is wrong?

IN:It is funny. The character Zemo is going to give a lot of voice to that. You can see what he thinks of that. Obviously, we are all channeled through him a little bit in the sense that Zemo sees them all as supremacists, and he thinks that people with extraordinary abilities – like the police or, in this case, heroes – are going to inherently abuse their power, and he has a very good reason for thinking that. They destroyed his country using his city as a bomb and killed his entire family along with everyone he knew.

Listen to our full conversations with Spellman and Skogland on Push The Envelope. If you’re a fan, don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe wherever you get podcasts. Thus ends our shameless plug.
