Shots fired during a traffic stop on I-77, injured police officers, suspects: Nightly news links

Police, suspects taken to hospital after shots fired during a traffic stop on I-77 in Independence (WKYC Channel 3)

Governor Mike DeWine activates the Ohio National Guard before the expected pro-Trump protests (

Senator Rob Portman urges President Trump to address the nation to explicitly urge his supporters to refrain from violence or ‘take responsibility’ (

The Ohio Supreme Court will decide whether state law requires armed teachers and school officials to be trained as school police officers (

Ohio vaccines started

The Ohio Department of Health reported on Tuesday that coronavirus vaccines were started on 321,506 people. That’s how that number has changed in the past few days.Rich Exner,

Governor Mike DeWine says local agencies will have details this week about the next phase of the vaccine launch, seniors on their own to schedule (

100 new deaths from Ohio coronavirus reported, 17,421 plus doses of vaccine administered: Tuesday update (

A Chinese study found that most patients with COVID-19 still had symptoms six months later (

Photo of Ronald Wheeler prison

Ronald Wheeler, 48, was sentenced to a further 20 years in prison on January 5 after pleading guilty to raping two women in Cleveland in 2006 and 2007. Wheeler has been serving 48 years in prison for raping four other women since 1994.

Cleveland serial rapist pleads guilty to raping two women and faces 20 years of long sentence (

Man dies nearly two weeks after shooting in Cleveland Heights, additional charges pending against the sniper, police said (

Copley police looking for suspects after shooting at a local restaurant parking lot (WKYC Canal 3)

Cleveland Lyft driver fired for admitting to firing a legally owned gun during car theft attempt (WOIO Canal 19)

Homeless man goes to prison for 32 years for assaulting 4 people with saw in Lake County (WOIO Canal 19)

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson warned on Tuesday that the city could run out of the necessary coronavirus vaccines to proceed with its inoculation plans, unless the state quickly provides more doses.

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson warned on Tuesday that the city could run out of the necessary coronavirus vaccines to proceed with its inoculation plans, unless the state quickly provides more doses.

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson warns that more COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine is needed or inoculation plans will stop (

The public deserves to know who is supporting dark money campaigns, such as one targeting the CPP, advocates say (

Justin Bibb declares candidacy for mayor of Cleveland (

Three competing for Dan Brady’s seat on the Cuyahoga County Council, including Martin Sweeney (

Cleveland’s 2021 St. Patrick’s Day parade canceled because of coronavirus (

161 new COVID-19 coronavirus cases, plus 4 confirmed deaths in Cleveland: Tuesday update (

Akron Public Schools plans to adhere to the vaccine in face-to-face schools: Here is the schedule (

Summa Health is named sponsor of the Akron Marathon Race Series (

Ohio Republican Representative Jim Jordan is challenged by Democrats to repudiate stolen electoral claims (

After violent riot on Capitol Hill, cracks in Ohio Republican Party support for Trump begin to appear (

The Ohio Education Association asks Kirsten Hill, a member of the state school board, to clarify her role in the US Capitol protest (

Sherrod Brown of Ohio plans to take over corporations as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee (

Liz Walters emerges as a favorite for the Ohio Democratic Party chair after Sherrod Brown’s endorsement, strong labor support (
