Shame on those who suggested the 25th Amendment, Trump’s impeachment

National Review

Manchin says “absolutely not” will support $ 2,000 stimulus checks

Senator Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.) said on Friday that “absolutely not” would support a $ 2,000 stimulus payment, potentially undermining President-elect Joe Biden’s plans for a new coronavirus relief package which would include another round of checks. “Absolutely not. No. Vaccinating people, this is job # 1,” Manchin told the Washington Post when asked if he would endorse another round of direct payments. “How the money we invest now will help us how best to get jobs back and employed people? And I can’t say that sending another check will do that to a person who already has a check, “said Manchin. Biden’s team is working on a relief package coronavirus that will include new stimulus checks, extended unemployment benefits and more, according to the Washington Post. The president-elect is also likely to push for additional funding for vaccine distribution s and funding to help states and cities, says the report. Manchin, a moderate, is expected to hold a crucial vote while Democrats control the Senate in a 50-50 split with Republicans, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris serving as the tiebreaker. Biden wants to approve a new aid package shortly after taking office on January 20, and earlier this week promised Georgia voters that they can expect to receive a $ 2,000 stimulus check if both Democratic candidates for the US Senate United won their elections, which they did. “If you send Jon and the reverend to Washington, those checks for $ 2,000 will go away restoring the hope, decency and honor of so many people who are fighting now,” Biden said at a Democratic rally in Atlanta. After Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock won their contests earlier this week, the new Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer (D., NY), also promised that $ 2,000 checks would be a top priority. However, if Biden and Schumer lose at least one Democratic vote, they may find it difficult to pass legislation under special Senate rules that allow bills to pass with a simple majority, rather than the generally necessary 60-vote margin. While some Republicans have come out in favor of $ 2,000 stimulus payments, Republican Party lawmakers are unlikely to support other facets of Biden’s new plan, including the extension of unemployment insurance.
