Scott Disick Amelia Gray Hamlin Go Instagram Officer

You know Scott Disick – the 37 year old Following the Kardashians Star.

Presley Ann / Getty Images

Well, he just became an Instagram official with Amelia Gray Hamlin – also known as the youngest daughter of Real housewife Lisa Rinna.

To some extent, this is not surprising – rumors have been circulating about Scott’s relationship with the 19-year-old for months.

Amelia Hamlin / Via

Case and point: This flirting exchange on Instagram

Scott shared two photos with Amelia in his IG story, surrounded by food and looking, “So serious.”

Now I know one of the (many) things you may be thinking about! Since when is Scott blond? Well, he’s had light hair since yesterday, apparently.

All of this happens six months after Scott and his previous girlfriend, Sofia Richie, ended things after three years together.

Joe Scarnici / Getty Images

Well … congratulations, I think?

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