Saturday night social: Congratulations to Abigail Thorn!

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Abigail Thorn, the actress and YouTuber behind the popular Philosophy tube she went out as a trans woman today.

Well, technically she came out “a long time ago” in her daily life, according an video posted on her main channel, and it’s just now telling her almost 45,000 subscribers. (Vulture records the channel’s total views at over 50 million.) But still! Good for her. The relief in his voice is absolutely palpable. It looks like she couldn’t be happier.

“It is so beautiful now finally relaxing, sleeping well with sweet dreams and being home with myself, ”she tells the viewer.

Inside an second video posted on his secondary channel, Philosophy Tube Live, Thorn makes a feminist, anti-capitalist appeal to support legal trans people equality, physical autonomy and wider release in the UK and beyond. As she sees, this would involve legislative action, how to institute a medical transition informed consent system as well as self-identification system for the legal transition, as well as a greater “redistribution of power and resources so that society serves human needs instead of profit”.

“To be trans is perfectly normal, ”she says. “MElike all human beings, we are inherently valuable and entitled todetermination, and if it makes some people uncomfortable, good, this’it’s just because they are choosing not to live in reality. “

“TThese are scary times, but courage calls for courage everywhere, and your voice cannot be denied, ”she continues. “ANDeven when other people make it difficult, being trans is a gift. “

Watch the video below.
