Russian media love protests, as long as they are pro-Trump and not pro-Navalny

Having widely endorsed the Capitol insurrection as a “peaceful protest”, Kremlin-controlled propagandists found themselves in a difficult position trying to condemn the big demonstrations that rocked Russia last weekend to protest the arrest of opposition activist Alexei Navalny . After being poisoned with a nervous agent by Russian intelligence agents, Navalny was treated in Germany. Immediately after his return to Russia, he was arrested.

After Navalny’s apprehension at the airport, his team released a condemning video claiming that a huge $ 1.37 billion seaside palace was built for Putin, allegedly financed by Russian president’s associates and described in Navalny’s video as “the biggest bribe in history.” Tens of thousands of people across Russia marched to express their deep dissatisfaction with Putin’s leadership and their indignation was palpable. The protesters demanded Navalny’s release, shouting “Putin is a thief” and “Freedom for Navalny.” More than 3,000 people have been detained by police across the country.
