Restored PSN service for PS5, PS4 players

PSN Down

Update: Three hours after the first publication of this article, the official PSN service status page informs you that there are no known issues to report. We assume that is the end of it, but this is still one of the most widely reported PSN problems in a long Time. Hopefully just a speck!

Original Story: PlayStation Network is reportedly having several problems. At the time of this writing, the PSN service’s official status page lists issues with account management, games and social networks, PlayStation Now, PlayStation Store and PlayStation Music. Basically everything, then.

It’s been a long time, long time since PlayStation Network had widespread problems – but it is unclear how many people these problems are affecting. We are currently connected to the PS5 with nothing to report, but something is clearly happening for several other users

We will, of course, update this article as we learn more.

Are you having problems? Give us a representative in the comments section below.
