Republican Senate Party Takes Short Victory in Fighting Unemployment

Senate Republicans are achieving what is expected to be a short-lived victory in a fight for unemployment benefits in the nearly $ 1.9 trillion Democratic bill against the coronavirus.

Sen. Joe ManchinJoseph (Joe) ManchinOvernight Defense: The Capitol Police can ask the National Guard to stay | Biden’s Pentagon Policy Nominee Faces Criticism | The aspirants of the naval navy moved to hotels. Progressives will not object to a bill on stimulus check limits. (DW.Va.) voted with all 49 Republican senators – Sen. Dan SullivanDaniel Scott Sullivan Morning report from The Hill – Presented by The AIDS Institute – Pointing a finger at the Capitol riot; GOP refuses aid plan for Biden Sanders votes against USDA candidate Biden, Vilsack Senate confirms Vilsack as secretary of agriculture MORE (Alaska) is absent due to a family emergency – in support of a Sen proposal. Rob PortmanRobert (Rob) Jones PortmanMandel receives approval from the Club for Growth in the Ohio Senate primaries Rick Scott spotted among opposing factions of the Republican Party Five conclusions from the Capitol’s dramatic security by listening to MORE (R-Ohio) to provide an unemployment payment of $ 300 per week until mid-July.

But Democrats are expected to withdraw Portman’s amendment and replace it with a deal they announced Friday night, after a nearly 12-hour delay, before approving the coronavirus deal likely on Saturday.

Democrats are still waiting for a score from the Joint Taxation Committee on the cost of the Democratic proposal, which would provide a payment of $ 300 a week until September 6.

“We hope that Senator Portman will present his UI amendment and pass it. However, it will be replaced by the new Senate Democrats UI agreement, which will be offered and approved as an amendment tonight,” said a Democratic aide on the way forward.

Although Manchin supported Portman’s amendment, he must also support the Democratic deal. In addition to the weekly payment, the Democratic amendment will allow the first $ 10,200 in unemployment benefits to be tax-free for families with incomes of up to $ 150,000.

“We reached a compromise that allows the economy to recover quickly, while protecting those who receive unemployment benefits from being hit by [an] unexpected fiscal project next year, “Manchin said in a statement endorsing the Democratic deal.

Democrats effectively put the debate over the coronavirus bill on hold for nearly 12 hours on Friday, while trying to draft a deal on unemployment payments that could win the entire caucus.

Democrats had initially said Friday morning that they had an agreement to provide a payment of $ 300 a week until early October.

But as the day dragged on, it became clear that they were still trying to fight for the caucus.

Majority leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerRon Johnson forces reading the Senate’s 628-page bill against coronavirus on the floor. (DN.Y.) once argued that the Senate advanced just before 11:00 pm that the Democrats were united.

“The agreement that has been reached will allow us to move forward with the American Rescue Plan,” he said. “Senate Democrats are completely united in our belief about the importance of this entire bill to our American compatriots.”
