Recorded musical rights of Mick Fleetwood of Fleetwood Mac

The sale was mediated by the Fleetwood manager Carl Stubner from the Shelter Music Group.

“This is a wonderfully inspiring marriage between two creative partners who understand all aspects of the business,” said Fleetwood in a statement. “Above all, BMG understands art and puts the artist first. If this partnership is any indication of my past and now future working relationship with BMG, it is that they really ‘got it’. “

Today’s agreement reinforces Fleetwood’s existing relationship with BMG, which has the rights to the theatrical, record and mediabook launch of the 2020 all-star concert event Mick Fleetwood and friends, who celebrated Fleetwood Mac founder guitarist Peter Green and the band’s early years.

“Mick Fleetwood is the foundation of one of the greatest rock bands, he has a unique talent for bringing together musicians of all genres and, of course, he is one of the greatest drummers in rock,” said the CEO of BMG Hartwig Masuch in a statement. “BMG is proud to represent its greatest work and is excited about the next release of Mick Fleetwood and friends. “

“This acquisition highlights the value of timeless recordings in a streaming market, which is benefiting more and more established artists, rather than younger artists,” added the strategy of the executive VP group of BMG and M&A Justus Haerder. “Although recent acquisition activity in the music market has focused on publishing music, this is a pure recorded investment that will reap all the benefits of the growth of streaming. Catalogs like Fleetwood Macs, which connect to all generations, are disproportionately benefiting from this growth. “

The sale of Fleetwood’s recorded musical rights marks the third time in less than two months that a member of Fleetwood Mac has sold all or part of its catalogs to record labels eager for acquisitions. In December, Stevie Nicks entered into a broad partnership with Primary Wave that included a joint venture agreement and the sale of a majority stake in its publishing copyright. Earlier this month, Lindsey Buckingham sold 100% of her writer’s and editor’s share of her 161-song catalog to Hipgnosis.
