Recently sworn in as a Republican member of the House after Capitol riot: ‘I’m sorry I didn’t bring my gun to DC

A Republican congressman from Michigan, who took an oath earlier this month, said he feared for his life as a supporter of President TrumpDonald TrumpOutgoing Capitol Police Chief accuses House and Senate security officials of hampering efforts to summon the National Guard: WaPo PGA announces plans to transfer the 2022 championship from Trump’s property Former Democratic Senator: Biden Department of Justice can investigate speakers on January 6 for MORE encouragement invaded the US Capitol and would like to be carrying a firearm after seeing what happened.

“The illusion of security, of the sanctity of our constitutional order, collapsed. With guns drawn, the police ordered us to evacuate, leading to chaos as we fled down the corridors and into the tunnels below the Capitol. Several times our group of lawmakers found us alone, without a police escort, afraid of the threats that may appear at the next corner, “wrote Congressman Peter Meijer in Detroit News over the weekend. “I’ve been called a traitor more times than I can count. I’m sorry I didn’t bring my gun to DC”

Meijer, who was elected to represent the western Michigan district chair, previously occupied by the Republican who became an independent representative. Justin AmashJustin AmashGOP Representative: Some Republicans voted to contest the election results due to security concerns. Incoming Republican lawmaker shares video of exercises in hotel rooms, citing ‘Democratic tyrannical control’ Summary of Democratic seats, Republican Party released on election day MORE, also said that his colleagues who have excused Trump’s behavior since the election or credited his unproven allegations of electoral fraud are responsible for last week’s violence.

“Blood has been spilled, and those who encouraged this insurrection are very involved,” wrote Meijer. “Those of us who refused to chicken out, who told the truth, suffered the consequences. The Republican colleagues who spoke out were harassed on the streets, received death threats and even received armed security.”

After a demonstration at the White House Ellipse on Wednesday, a pro-Trump crowd stormed the Capitol while a joint session of Congress gathered inside to certify the elected president Joe BidenJoe BidenOutgoing Capitol Police Chief accuses House and Senate security officials of hampering efforts to summon the National Guard: WaPo PGA announces plans to transfer the 2022 championship from Trump’s property Former Democratic Senator: Biden Department of Justice can investigate meeting speakers on January 6 MOREVictory of the Electoral College.

In a break with dozens of his Republican colleagues in the House, Meijer acknowledged Biden’s victory.

As part of a series of tweets on Sunday night, he called Trump’s hesitation in condemning the troublemakers on the Capitol last week was “unscrupulous”.

“I still cannot understand the fact that the President of the United States was completely gone while the next three individuals in the line of succession (VP, Mayor, Pro Tempore Senate President) were under attack on Capitol Hill,” he said.

Meijer, who met with Vice President Pence a few days before his victory in November, also said that the Republican Party has an important choice to make about its identity in a post-Trump political world.

“It didn’t have to end like this, with five dead, including a Capitol police officer. This should be a time of reckoning for the country as a whole, and for the conservative movement in particular, ”he wrote at the opde. “If the Republican Party ever hopes to regain public confidence and lead the country after this heinous attack, it must first be honest with itself.”
