Protesters pass Denver demanding impeachment of Trump

DENVER – With eight days to go before Donald Trump’s presidency, a caravan of protesters on Sunday demanded that his departure date be brought forward.

“This could be the last time we can protest under the Trump presidency,” said Tay Anderson, a member of the Denver School Board, from a truck bucket for more than 100 people in cars. “We started with an explosion four years ago and are going to leave with an explosion today.”

The protest was organized by Anderson in response to the riots after a Trump rally at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday that killed five people. Many are linking the disturbances to the president’s rhetoric before and on the day the violence broke out.

“Last Wednesday, an act of terror occurred in the capital of the United States,” said Anderson. “We met here to say that our democracy is stronger than white supremacists and neo-Nazis.”

Among the speakers at the rally was Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, who insisted that the impeachment would send a strong message.

“He must never take office again,” exclaimed Weiser in a speech about the president. “It is important that we, the people, are heard.”

That message was taken to the streets as the caravan passed through Denver. Protesters honking in front of the Colorado Capitol while protesters waved signs.

“Trump needs to go, we’re saying he needs to go,” said protester Stacy Mitchell. “As much as I can get my voice out again.”
