Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood denies insanity after executing Pence’s tweet

  • L. Lin Woods, a pro-Trump lawyer, tweeted that Mike Pence could be arrested and executed for treason.
  • The lawyer rejected the claims of “insanity”, telling his followers that he is “fine”.
  • Some Republicans are angry at Pence for asking a court to dismiss a lawsuit against him that sought to overturn the results of the 2020 elections.
  • Wood had previously filed several failed lawsuits trying to overturn the election result in favor of Trump.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

L. Lin Wood, a conservative lawyer and Trump’s ally, rejected questions about his sanity after tweeting that Vice President Mike Pence should face a firing squad.

The lawyer, who has litigated numerous failed attempts to overturn the 2020 election result in the United States, posted a topic on Twitter on Friday afternoon.

He wrote about how those who believe the election was stolen focused on Democrats, the CIA and “globalists”.

Wood then said that “one of the main players” had been overlooked – the Republicans.

He then asked for the arrest of senior Republicans and a conservative judge.

Wood wrote, “When arrests for treason start, put court president John Roberts, VP Mike Pence and Mitch McConnell at the top of the list.”

Then, in response to a tweet, Wood suggested that Pence should be executed by a firing squad.

He wrote: “If Pence is arrested, Pompeo will save the election. Pence will be in prison awaiting trial for treason. He will face execution by firing squad. He is a coward and will sing like a bird and will confess EVERYTHING”

On social media, many expressed their disbelief in the comments.

Wood, however, rejected the charges of “insanity”.

He wrote, “The tweets about my insanity are at a peak this morning. Do you wonder why?”

The lawyer continued, “Don’t worry. I’m fine. The attacks don’t concern me.”

In recent weeks, Pence has been criticized by some Republicans for refusing to declare President Donald Trump the winner of the election when he oversaw the ratification of the Electoral College votes on January 6.

A lawsuit was filed by Texas deputy Louie Gohmert and other Republicans against Pence, claiming he has the authority to choose states’ electoral votes to count.

The bid, however, was rejected. Pence’s lawyers asked for it to be dropped.

It was a last attempt to overturn the election results in favor of Trump.

Wood had made several attempts before that to undermine Joe Biden’s victory.

In November, he filed a federal lawsuit in Georgia that sought to prevent the state from certifying its results.

A month later, Wood joined Sidney Powell in a legal attempt to overturn Biden’s victory in Michigan.

In addition to spreading misinformation about the election, Wood propagated the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Earlier this week, he strangely claimed that Supreme Court President John Roberts is a murderous pedophile.
